For this essay, you will use the techniques we’ve been discussing (Lighting, Color scheme, Background, Focus, Angel), to write a rhetorical critique of an image you find in a magazine/online. I would suggest you use an ad, but if you choose not to do so, please come see me and get approval for the image beforehand. Your thesis should address the message and audience of your advertisement.

*Choose 2 techniques about your image to discuss in your essay.

Argument and Support:
You need to explain how the techniques discussed target a specific audience and work to enforce the message of your ad. Consider aspects of the advertisement such as word choice, colors, people, and objects to the company producing this ad/product and the current issues in the world that may be informing the creation and perception of this ad. You will refer to visual techniques such as cropping, juxtaposition, perspective, foreground and background that will inform your analysis of this paper. Think audience, and make sure your argument closes by making a larger claim about the ad, company, consumers, etc.

Find a logical progression for your paper; again, come see me if you need help. Be sure to address the message of the ad, the audience addressed, and how the techniques cater to the audience to reinforce the message.
Mechanics and Formatting:
Length: Paper should be 1-2 pages (400-500 words), double spaced, 1” margins around
Font: Times New Roman or Garamond, 12 pt
Formatting: MLA format
Sentence Level Issues: Paper should be almost free of mechanical errors; read your paper out loud or visit the Writing Center in the library if you’re struggling. Feel free to make an appointment with me as well.
This essay is completely wrong! PLEASE write an essay about “Self-Love Starts With You” and discuss the image & advertisement only in 1 of the paragraphs.”Be sure to address the message of the ad…”PLEASE write an essay about “Self-Love Starts With You” and discuss the image & advertisement only in 1 of the paragraph. Client:
Please listen to me. I want the writer to an 500 word Essay on “Self-Love” which was notes on the instruction sheet. I also want him to discuss the techniques of the image in ONE of the paragraphs