1. In your personal experience with companies that you have worked for or know about, where have you seen a company’s mission, vision and value statements being inline with the behaviors of its leadership in relation to their customers and/or employees? Conversely, where have you seen a company’s leadership have behaved in a contradictory manner to their customers and / or employees? 2. In the Video, “Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse” by Marianne Jennings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iILWxK6ZDVs&ab_channel=MarkkulaCenterforAppliedEthics , how would you relate those signs to the various organizational life cycles as defined by Richard Daft in Chapter 9 referenced in Week 1 readings. Please relate any specific examples based on your prior experiences. In addition, in retrospect after reading Ethics in the Banking Industry….Wells Fargo: http://fortune.com/2016/09/15/wells-fargo-scandal/ wh, what were one or more of the “Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse” visible at Wells fargo? What organizational life Cycle was Wells Fargo in at the time of the scandal?