1. YOU ARE ONLY TO USE THE SOURCES WE READ IN CLASS TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. The only exceptions are the questions that ask you to find articles to discuss.
2. You must put all your sources into a properly formatted reference list in ASA Style
3. All questions require a combination of direct quotations and paraphrases of the reading material you have used PROPERLY CITED and your own analysis and conclusions.
4. No cover pages, folders or envelopes.
5. On the top of the first page put your name, day and time of class
6. On each page put your name, day and time of class and page number.
7. This is to be in exam format. All questions are to be repeated, then answered, section by section. The rewriting of the question does not count as part of your answer.
8. This paper must be uploaded as a WORD DOCUMENT in 12 point type, not copied and pasted into www.turnitin.com.
9. This paper requires one reference list at the end of the paper listing all sources you have used. You may list The Cunning of History as a print book since you are likely to be using a pdf of the book.
10. Please do your paper in a “question and answer” style. That is, number the question, put a brief version of the question, and then answer it.

The thesis of The Cunning of History and Donald Trump. Answer all three questions and upload them as one file.
This paper has three parts
Part A . How does Rubenstein apply Weber’s theory of bureaucracy to the Holocaust? (about 2 pages)
Part B..How did he apply it to the Nixon Presidency? (About two pages)
Part C.. How do you think Rubenstein would apply Weber’s theory of bureaucracy to the actions of President Trump today? (at least 2 pages )
Parts A and B can be answered using class readings.
To answer Part C you will need to find reputable news articles on Trump and his actions. Reputable sources include the NYTimes, Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek. Academic Search Complete and the newspaper section of Lexis-Nexis are excellent sources for reputable popular sources. Choose an article that was published after June 1 2020.