After reading Common Logical Fallacies, choose three of the common “fallacies” described in the reading, and write one short essay defining and explaining each of these three fallacies. You must include a specific example of each fallacy.

Formatting Guidelines:

Your submission must:

Include an Introduction and a Conclusion
Follow APA format: 12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, one inch margins.
Include a Title page and page numbers in APA format
This essay should not be more than 2 pages.
Avoid the use of 1st and 2nd person.

This week, we will learn about logical fallacies. Your task this week is to read about common logical fallacies (Links to an external site.), choose three, and then define and explain your chosen three.

The goal of this essay is NOT for you to simply copy and paste the definition from an external website or from the definition provided to you. I want to see that you understand the fallacy. Therefore, please choose fallacies that you DO understand. You can demonstrate your understanding by giving examples of fallacies that you have seen in everyday life.

Your introduction should first define what a logical fallacy is. Then state what three logical fallacies your paper will discuss.

Your first body paragraph should discuss your first logical fallacy and define it. You should then give an example of your understanding of the fallacy. Have you seen this in your everyday life? If so, where? How was it used?

Your second body paragraph should discuss your second logical fallacy and define it. Give some examples of how you understand this logical fallacy. Have you ever seen ads or arguments using this logical fallacy? Demonstrate your own personal understanding of this fallacy.

Your third body paragraph should discuss your third logical fallacy and define it. Lastly, demonstrate your understanding of this fallacy and how you have seen it being used.

Please do not copy from any outside sources. I will have NO tolerance for plagiarism with this assignment, as I have seen it too many times. Please do your best to show your own understanding of this assignment. I would rather see a student grapple to understand than copy and paste. The goal here is to LEARN.

If you have questions, reach out to me. I am here to help you!

Formatting Guidelines:

Your submission must follow APA format: 12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, one-inch margins, include a title page, and page numbers.