Ex pat workers – how are they paid: local currency or home currency?
Outsourced jobs – how do we get host country workers to use our best practices and materials with the cultural/language barriers?
Migrant Workers – how do we get them to use our best practices and materials with the language barrier.
Transnational project (short term) – do we use ex pats or host country workers?
Transnational project (long term) – do we use ex pats or host country workers?
Baby Boomers retiring – 1 highly skilled, valuable worker nearing retirement; how do we transfer knowledge and skillset without loss of production/efficiency?
Baby Boomers retiring – high number of workforce nearing retirement; how do we transfer knowledge base and skillset without loss of production/efficiency?
How do we recruit diversity into a non-diverse company without alienating applicants or current employees?
The material cost of “widgets” has increased, what adjustments can we make in compensation to maintain or increase profit per piece?
Costs of production have increased but sales have not. Payroll is the only portion of the budget that can be adjusted – what can we do to maintain the same levels of profit.
Employees are not following the policies outlined the employment manual – how can get them on board?
The company wants to implement a company wellness policy. What options do we have without breaking the budget?
How do we recruit diversity into a non-diverse company without alienating applicants or current employees?
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