For your second EA, you will do three things:

READ: There are two articles for you to read.  Please click here (Links to an external site.) for the first, and here (Links to an external site.) for the second.

WATCH: Please watch this video (Links to an external site.) (it’s pretty entertaining!)


RESPOND: Answer the following prompt as thoroughly as possible.  Responses will be evaluated for content and depth.  Meaning, show me that you’ve done the readings, watched the video, and given some thought as to who Roone Arledge was and what he meant to the sport industry, past and present.

Discuss the impact of Roone Arledge on sports entertainment.  Explain why he is considered the innovator of television sports and describe the challenges he faced in his pursuit to bring sporting events into the homes of American consumers.  Include in your discussion his broadcasting innovations that are now commonplace in televised sports and write specifically about the creation (and execution) of Monday Night Football.  What did Arledge believe was the selling point for televised sports and how do you see this evidenced in the first production of MNF?

Generally speaking, what is his legacy?

Do not simply copy and paste pieces of information from the readings or from any other source.  Write as though you were simply telling someone about who Arledge was and why he is such an important figure in the history of sports.  Responses should be single-spaced, between 220 and 250 words total.  If you use other sources for reference, be sure to include a citation for them (any format will do, as long as you provide the essential information).