1. This position is responsible for several strategic and operational workforce programs. Please briefly describe experience or expertise that you may have in:
  2. Workforce planning
  3. Employee engagement
  4. Talent acquisition
  5. Employee development
  6. EEO and employee relations
  7. Equity, diversity and engagement
  8. Workforce training
  9. Leadership assigns responsibility for a high impact and highly visible agency-wide programs to the SBS. The Chief assigns it to you, and expects a draft work plan in two weeks. What will be included in your draft plan and how will it be accomplished within the assigned time frame? Please use a project that you have led as the example.
  10. You have a situation where you see that communications may be breaking down between one of your staff and a peer or a customer. How would you address this?
  11. How would you help build the HR Community at VDH; policy is managed by OHR, routine operations and consultation managed by Shared Business Services in locations statewide?