Please write a comprehensive paper evaluating the contemporary state of punishment in the United States of America by taking into consideration the following statement:
Punishment ought in no case to be more than what is necessary to
Bring it into conformity with the rules here given…
–This rule marks out the limits on the maximum side, while the previous three concern the minimum side. Bentham argues that while the danger of erring on the minimum side is greater, tendency to err of most men in on the maximum side, tendency to over-punish. Thus more precautions should be taken with regard to maximum punishments. This is because punishment is, in and of itself, an evil. And we ought to be careful to admit that evil only when it prevents a greater evil. So there are times when we should not punish.
Specifically, your paper should address the following questions:
1. When the United States of America is groundless: where there’s no evil for it to prevent.
2. When it can’t prevent further evil.
3. When the evil it would produce is greater than what it prevented.
4. When it is needless: where the mischief may be prevented, or cease itself, without it: that is at a cheaper rate.
Also should include your own well-reasoned conclusions about the state of the appointment process.
I would like please 11 page of paper context ( this don’t include reference page and source should be journal article)
I need and Outline of the research.
Select a case decided by the United States Supreme Court during the modern era (post-1937) and apply the Holding Rule or Dicta to your argument/statement.
I would like that the research deals with capital punishment (death penalty) and solitary confinement among things. also we can use some court cases as example of punishment or over punished and to answer those 4 questions.