Choose and answer ONE of the following questions in an organized and critically focused discussion:

  1. Analyze and discuss the major thematic concerns in the introductory readings by Alicia Pousada and Bill Santiago (specifying their titles). Then, relate this content to the works of two Mexican American writers discussed in class.


  • Your discussion should be developed as a WORD document and should not exceed two pages, with 12 pt Times New Roman font and 1.5 spacing.
  • Provide a structured critical analysis that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. Preparing an outline beforehand will help you organize your ideas better before writing.
  • Make sure you use your spell check and grammar check before handing in your essay.
  • Do not use outside sources to complete your answer other than the class anthology and readings. If you quote directly from these sources remember to use quotation marks and identify your source.
  • Avoid relying on personal experience or personal history to complete your answer. Focus on literary analysis with sufficient examples from the texts to support your arguments.
  • Upload your work on the Moodle Platform by the due date.