Part I: The first part of the assignment is to find an example of a visual argument with written OR spoken text of some sort in it. Examples of this can include: A meme or gif, a short [5 minutes maximum] video (advertisements, music videos, etc. are good examples), and/or photo/ work of art. Note: Keep the videos short and self-contained (e.g. do not pick a scene from a movie, part of a longer filmed work, etc.) You will choose it, but it must include the following:
• It must contain language (either spoken or written, or both) and images.
• The images and text must allow for outside context (outside interpretation that involves time, place, cultural attitudes, economic conditions, etc) to be added for one to fully understand its meaning
• It must be from a source that is reliable/ vetted in some way (e.g. Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, TikTok=okay; 4 Chan, 8 Chan or anonymous source= not okay)
• If it is a video, it should be no longer than a few minutes (5 minutes maximum).
Part II: You will next write a Visual Analysis Essay about this image & written text. This visual analysis essay should do the following:
1. It should examine the content that is in the video/ image, etc. by summarizing it (either the plot elements or the general makeup of it].
2. It should present a claim that identifies why/ how the image/ video, etc. is important, salient, compelling, etc. by interpreting its meaning.
3. It should present any greater context that is missing from the visual argument that is important to understanding that argument better [not necessary for music videos].
4. It should give the elements of the video, visuals that support the meaning in some way, as well as the words/ language, symbols, music, etc.
Here are some questions to consider when writing your essay:
1. How does the written and visual text support the meaning that of the visual image and make it powerful?
2. What is the purpose of a particular symbol, image, language and/or setting and how does it support the meaning you are giving to this visual image(s) w/ text?
3. How do the visual and textual elements ‘prove’ the claim that you are making about the video, image, etc.?
Essay Requirements:
• The essay should be 1000-1200 words in length (at least 4 full pages and no more than 5 full pages).
• It should include 2-4 direct quotes from the work that you chose to analyze.
• It should contain a works cited page, and this MUST contain the original source that you are examining.
• It should be MLA formatted, be written in 12pt, Times New Roman font. [I will provide an MLA generator website link with example docs]
• It needs to be written using the third person only (no first or second person) throughout, and should address the claim/ argument, not your personal feelings about it.
• It should give analysis throughout (see example) and not retell the plot and/or just recite what it contains excessively.
• It can [but does not have to] contain one outside source, but this research should ONLY provide some context for the video/ image. The research should come from an unbiased/ neutral site, like Wikipedia, NPR, or an appropriate like site that a librarian recommends to you.