Privacy and Internet Law:

In this assignment, you will be picking a current event which I must approve.   You will then need to analyze that event understand the privacy law related implications to that business by providing a memorandum and presentation (as if to your supervisor).    Your memorandum and presentation must address the following:

  1. A factual summary of the event.
  2. A summary of the 3 privacy and/or internet law related laws within the legal environment of that business going through the event which you are choosing to discuss. These laws can be ones we covered in class or not, except that one MUST be a law that we did not expressly discuss in class.   This most likely means that you will be looking up state-based privacy and/or internet laws related to this circumstance. -and-
  3. A discussion of the General Data Protection Regulation from the European Union and what its affect or implications would be on the company involved in this event.

The paper must be at least 5 pages, double spaced and no more than twelve pages, double spaced.   Your factual summary should at least be about 1 page.  You should at least take about a page to summarize each of the privacy and/or internet laws you choose to discuss.   You should take at least two pages to discuss the implications of the GDPR (at least one to summarize it, and one to discuss the implications).   This will count as 80 points toward your final grade.  Your grade will be made up of 60% from your paper grade and 40% from your presentation grade.

Research Paper Rubric


Criteria Unsatisfactory – Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Total
Paper Focus:
Position Statement
0-13 points 14-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points /20
Fails to identify a relevant research topic or is not clearly defined and/or the paper lacks focus throughout. Identifies a research topic but may be too broad in scope and/or the thesis is somewhat unclear and needs to be developed further. Focal point is not consistently maintained throughout the paper. Identifies a relevant research topic and a thesis that provides adequate direction for the paper with some degree of interest for the reader. The thesis states the position, premise, or hypothesis, and is the focal point of the paper for the most part. Identifies a relevant research topic and a thesis that provides direction for the paper that is engaging and thought provoking, The thesis clearly and concisely states the position, premise, or hypothesis and is consistently the focal point throughout the paper.


0-22 points 21-23 points 24-26 points 27-30 points /30
Demonstrates a lack of understanding and inadequate analysis of the research topic and thesis. Analysis is superficial based on opinions and preferences rather than critical analysis. Demonstrates general understanding with limited critical analysis of the research topic and thesis (argument). Summarizes perspectives, counter-arguments, or opposing positions. Demonstrates an understanding and some critical analysis of the research topic and thesis (argument). Adequately compares/contrasts perspectives, counter-arguments, or opposing positions but broader connections and/or implications are not as thoroughly explored. Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding and careful, critical analysis of the research topic and thesis (argument). Compares/contrasts perspectives, considers counter arguments or opposing positions, and draws original and thoughtful conclusions with future implications.
Evidence (Sources)


0-22 points 21-23 points 24-26 points 27-30 points /30
Lacks sufficient research sources to support the central position and/or, if included, are generally not relevant, accurate, or reliable.  Contains numerous factual mistakes, omissions, or oversimplifications. Sources, if included, are not properly referenced and cited in the paper. Provides some evidence to support the central position with only a few research sources. Some sources may not be relevant, accurate, and reliable and/or appropriately referenced and cited in the paper. Provides essential, accurate evidence to support the central position with the required (7) research sources including 1 source from a periodical database that are mostly relevant, accurate, and reliable. Sources are referenced and cited appropriately throughout the paper for the most part. Provides compelling and accurate evidence to support in-depth the central position beyond the required (7) research sources with at least 1 source from a periodical database. Research sources are highly relevant, accurate, and reliable and add to the strength of the paper; and are effectively referenced and cited throughout the paper.



Research Paper Rubric (continued)


Criteria Unsatisfactory – Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Total


0-6 points 7 points 8 points 9-10 points /10
Paper lacks logical organization and impedes readers’ comprehension of ideas. Central position is rarely evident from paragraph to paragraph and/or the paper is missing multiple required components. Paper is somewhat organized, although occasionally ideas from paragraph to paragraph may not flow well and/or connect to the central position or be clear as a whole. May be missing a required component and/or components may be less than complete. Paper is adequately organized. Ideas are arranged reasonably with a progression of thought from paragraph to paragraph connecting to the central position. Includes required components (introduction, body, conclusion, Reference List, etc.) for the most part. Paper is effectively organized. Ideas are arranged logically, flow smoothly, with a strong progression of thought from paragraph to paragraph connecting to the central position. Includes all required components (introduction, body, conclusion, Reference List, etc.).
Writing Quality & Adherence to Format Guidelines 0-6 points 7 points 8 points 9-10 points /10
Paper shows a below average/poor writing style lacking in elements of appropriate standard English and following proper APA guidelines. Frequent errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, and/or formatting. Paper shows an average and/or casual writing style using standard English and following APA guidelines. Some errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, usage, and/or formatting. Paper shows above average writing style and clarity in writing using standard English and following APA guidelines. Minor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, and/or formatting. Paper is well written and clear using APA guidelines and standard English characterized by elements of a strong writing style. Basically free from grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, or formatting errors.
Timeliness* and Length of Paper


(* unexcused late)

Deduct 11 points-overall failing Deduct 6-10 points Deduct 1-5 points 0 points deducted /—
Paper is submitted 2-3 days (49-72 hours) or more after the deadline and/or substantially lacks/exceeds the required length Paper is submitted 1-2 days (25-48 hours) after the deadline and/or is somewhat lacking (or exceeds) the required length. Paper is submitted within 1 day (24 hours) after the deadline and meets the required length (6-8 pages for the body). Paper is submitted by the deadline and meets the required length (6-8 pages for the body).
100 TOTAL POINTS (sum of 6 Criteria) /100

Your presentation will be no less than 5 minutes nor more than 7 minutes sharp.   You must pretend that your supervisor wants all the pertinent information presented in a format that includes Powerpoint as a presentation aid.  This means you must submit your report with a Powerpoint presentation that will be submitted with your report on Dropbox on D2L on the assigned date.

Scoring Rubric For Presentation

Speech and Presentation Grading Rubric

Public Speaking and Oral Presentation Component



(0-12 points)


(13-16 points)


(17-20 points)

1. Organization

(20 points)

Ideas may not be focused or developed; the main purpose is not clear. The introduction is undeveloped. Main points are difficult to identify. Transitions may be needed. There is no conclusion or may not be clear the presentation has concluded. Conclusion does not tie back to the introduction. Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. Main idea is evident, but the organizational structure many need to be strengthened; ideas may not clearly developed or always flow smoothly and the purpose is not clearly stated. The introduction may not be well developed. Main points are not clear. Transitions may be awkward. Supporting material may lack in development. The conclusion may need additional development. Audience has difficulty understanding the presentation because the sequence of information is unclear. Ideas are clearly organized, developed, and supported to achieve a purpose; the purpose is clear. The introduction gets the attention of the audience and clearly states the specific purpose of the speech. Main points are clear and organized effectively. The conclusion is satisfying and relates back to introduction. (If the purpose of the presentation is to persuade, there is a clear action step identified and an overt call to action.)
2. Topic Knowledge

(20 points)

Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about the subject. Few, if any, sources are cited. Citations are attributed incorrectly.  Inaccurate, generalized, or inappropriate supporting material may be used. Over dependence on notes may be observed. Student has a partial  grasp of the  information. Supporting material may lack in originality. Citations are generally introduced and attributed appropriately. Student is at ease with expected answers to all questions but fails to elaborate. Over dependence on notes may be observed. Student has a clear grasp of information. Citations are introduced and attributed appropriately and accurately. Supporting material is original, logical and relevant. Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) by answering all class questions with explanations and elaboration. Speaking outline or note cards are used for reference only.
3. Audience Adaptation

(20 points)

The presenter is not able to keep the audience engaged. The verbal or nonverbal feedback from the audience may suggest a lack of interest or confusion. Topic selection does not relate to audience needs and interests. The presenter is able to keep the audience engaged most of the time. When feedback indicates a need for idea clarification, the speaker makes an attempt to clarify or restate ideas. Generally, the speaker demonstrates audience awareness through nonverbal and verbal behaviors. Topic selection and examples are somewhat appropriate for the audience, occasion, or setting. Some effort to make the material relevant to audience needs and interests. The presenter is able to effectively keep the audience engaged. Material is modified or clarified as needed given audience verbal and nonverbal feedback. Nonverbal behaviors are used to keep the audience engaged. Delivery style is modified as needed. Topic selection and examples are interesting and relevant for the audience and occasion.
4. Language Use

(Verbal Effectiveness)

(20 points)

Language choices may be limited, peppered with slang or jargon, too complex, or too dull. Language is questionable or inappropriate for a particular audience, occasion, or setting. Some biased or unclear language may be used. Language used is mostly respectful or inoffensive. Language is appropriate, but word choices are not particularly vivid or precise. Language is familiar to the audience, appropriate for the setting, and free of bias; the presenter may “code-switch”  (use a different language form) when appropriate. Language choices are vivid and precise.
5. Delivery

(Nonverbal Effectiveness)

(20 points)

The delivery detracts from the message; eye contact may be very limited; the presenter may tend to look at the floor, mumble, speak inaudibly, fidget, or read most of the speech; gestures and movements may be jerky or excessive. The delivery may appear inconsistent with the message. Nonfluencies (“ums”) are used excessively. Articulation and pronunciation tend to be sloppy.  Poise of composure is lost during any distractions. Audience members have difficulty hearing the presentation. The delivery generally seems effective – however, effective use of volume, eye contact, vocal control, etc. may not be consistent; some hesitancy may be observed. Vocal tone, facial expressions, clothing and other nonverbal expressions do not detract significantly from the message. The delivery style, tone of voice, and clothing choices do not seem out-of-place or disrespectful to the audience or occasion. Some use of nonfluencies are observed. Generally, articulation and pronunciation are clear. Most audience members can hear the presentation. The delivery is extemporaneous — natural, confident, and enhances the message – posture, eye contact, smooth gestures, facial expressions, volume, pace, etc. indicate confidence, a commitment to the topic, and a willingness to communicate. The vocal tone, delivery style, and clothing are consistent with the message. Delivery style and clothing choices suggest an awareness of expectations and norms. Limited use of nonfluencies is observed. Articulation and pronunciation are clear. All audience members can hear the presentation.


  1. Adapted with permission from Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (1998).




Intellectual Property Law:

In this assignment, I will be providing you with a case study where you will be analyzing the various types of intellectual property protection available to the primary actor and recommending which types would be appropriate and ethical for the primary actor to pursue.   While the cases may differ over time, students are required to do the following:

  1. Read and understand the situation described in the case study.
  2. Analyze why each major avenue of intellectual property protection (patent, copyright, trademark, trade dress) would be appropriate or inappropriate to use to preserve the most rights to the business.
  3. Pick one type of intellectual property, and discuss the ethical considerations presented earlier in our text with respect to attempting to preserve intellectual property rights. (I would incorporate either a patent case where the company knows of people pursuing the same patent, or trademark where it is very similar to other trademarks on the market.   Each presents ethical issues).
  4. Submissions must be in writing, no less than 4 pages double spaced, times new roman font, default margins. Your submission must submitted via Dropbox on D2L by the due date.  This will count towards 50 points of your final grade.


Research Paper Rubric


Criteria Unsatisfactory – Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Total
Paper Focus:
Position Statement
0-13 points 14-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points /20
Fails to identify a relevant research topic or is not clearly defined and/or the paper lacks focus throughout. Identifies a research topic but may be too broad in scope and/or the thesis is somewhat unclear and needs to be developed further. Focal point is not consistently maintained throughout the paper. Identifies a relevant research topic and a thesis that provides adequate direction for the paper with some degree of interest for the reader. The thesis states the position, premise, or hypothesis, and is the focal point of the paper for the most part. Identifies a relevant research topic and a thesis that provides direction for the paper that is engaging and thought provoking, The thesis clearly and concisely states the position, premise, or hypothesis and is consistently the focal point throughout the paper.


0-22 points 21-23 points 24-26 points 27-30 points /30
Demonstrates a lack of understanding and inadequate analysis of the research topic and thesis. Analysis is superficial based on opinions and preferences rather than critical analysis. Demonstrates general understanding with limited critical analysis of the research topic and thesis (argument). Summarizes perspectives, counter-arguments, or opposing positions. Demonstrates an understanding and some critical analysis of the research topic and thesis (argument). Adequately compares/contrasts perspectives, counter-arguments, or opposing positions but broader connections and/or implications are not as thoroughly explored. Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding and careful, critical analysis of the research topic and thesis (argument). Compares/contrasts perspectives, considers counter arguments or opposing positions, and draws original and thoughtful conclusions with future implications.
Evidence (Sources)


0-22 points 21-23 points 24-26 points 27-30 points /30
Lacks sufficient research sources to support the central position and/or, if included, are generally not relevant, accurate, or reliable.  Contains numerous factual mistakes, omissions, or oversimplifications. Sources, if included, are not properly referenced and cited in the paper. Provides some evidence to support the central position with only a few research sources. Some sources may not be relevant, accurate, and reliable and/or appropriately referenced and cited in the paper. Provides essential, accurate evidence to support the central position with the required (7) research sources including 1 source from a periodical database that are mostly relevant, accurate, and reliable. Sources are referenced and cited appropriately throughout the paper for the most part. Provides compelling and accurate evidence to support in-depth the central position beyond the required (7) research sources with at least 1 source from a periodical database. Research sources are highly relevant, accurate, and reliable and add to the strength of the paper; and are effectively referenced and cited throughout the paper.


  1. Research Paper Rubric (continued)
Criteria Unsatisfactory – Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Total


0-6 points 7 points 8 points 9-10 points /10
Paper lacks logical organization and impedes readers’ comprehension of ideas. Central position is rarely evident from paragraph to paragraph and/or the paper is missing multiple required components. Paper is somewhat organized, although occasionally ideas from paragraph to paragraph may not flow well and/or connect to the central position or be clear as a whole. May be missing a required component and/or components may be less than complete. Paper is adequately organized. Ideas are arranged reasonably with a progression of thought from paragraph to paragraph connecting to the central position. Includes required components (introduction, body, conclusion, Reference List, etc.) for the most part. Paper is effectively organized. Ideas are arranged logically, flow smoothly, with a strong progression of thought from paragraph to paragraph connecting to the central position. Includes all required components (introduction, body, conclusion, Reference List, etc.).
Writing Quality & Adherence to Format Guidelines 0-6 points 7 points 8 points 9-10 points /10
Paper shows a below average/poor writing style lacking in elements of appropriate standard English and following proper APA guidelines. Frequent errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, and/or formatting. Paper shows an average and/or casual writing style using standard English and following APA guidelines. Some errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, usage, and/or formatting. Paper shows above average writing style and clarity in writing using standard English and following APA guidelines. Minor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, and/or formatting. Paper is well written and clear using APA guidelines and standard English characterized by elements of a strong writing style. Basically free from grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, or formatting errors.
Timeliness* and Length of Paper


(* unexcused late)

Deduct 11 points-overall failing Deduct 6-10 points Deduct 1-5 points 0 points deducted /—
Paper is submitted 2-3 days (49-72 hours) or more after the deadline and/or substantially lacks/exceeds the required length Paper is submitted 1-2 days (25-48 hours) after the deadline and/or is somewhat lacking (or exceeds) the required length. Paper is submitted within 1 day (24 hours) after the deadline and meets the required length (6-8 pages for the body). Paper is submitted by the deadline and meets the required length (6-8 pages for the body).
100 TOTAL POINTS (sum of 6 Criteria) /100