06/07/2020, 11)27Assessment Information: Contemporary Challenges in Adult Health Care (2019 MOD005230 TRI3-1 B01CHE)Page 5 of 10https://canvas.anglia.ac.uk/courses/15336/pages/assessment-information?module_item_id=759489benefitted or hindered your patient care.older people and those with long-term conditions, care is too oftenLearning outcome 4: Identify and discuss the role of the nurse in preventingill health and promotion of health and wellbeing within different health caresettings, considering particularly the NMC, NHS constitution and EveryContact Counts and person-centred care.Learning Outcome 5 and 6: Students are expected to act, recognise andrespond to the changing needs of patients, families and carersʼ with careand compassion. Care administered must be evidence-based. Links to course learning outcomes: The following course learning outcomes will be achieved:

A01 Critically evaluate the role of the adult nurse, within the inter-professional team, in delivering, managing and directing.

A02 Critically examine and demonstrate application of knowledge andunderstanding of the biopsychosocial sciences in adult nursing required todeliver effective care.

A03 Critically analyse the application of international, national and localpolicies, guidelines and legislation to individual and community healthcareand evaluate the effectiveness of delivery.

A04 Critically deconstruct the relationship between physical and mentalhealth well being and the importance of integrated care in supportingservice users to manage their health needs.

A05 Critically reivew, apply and evaluate frameworks and approaches usedin promoting health and preventing ill-health.

A06 Critically analyse research findings to support the provision of optimum

06/07/2020, 11)27Assessment Information: Contemporary Challenges in Adult Health Care (2019 MOD005230 TRI3-1 B01CHE)Page 6 of 10https://canvas.anglia.ac.uk/courses/15336/pages/assessment-information?module_item_id=759489evidence based practice and apply this knowledge in the planning, deliveryand evaluation of safe and effective person-centred care.

B01 Critically evaluate the knowledge underpinning care and demonstrateappropriate decision making skills whilst practising with confidence withinThe Code: Professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses andmidwives (NMC, 2015).

B02 Practice autonomously and competently in a caring, compassionateand sensitive manner which synthesises the values guiding the professionand that demonstrates dignity and respect for service users and health andsocial care colleagues.

B03 Consistently act within ethical and legal frameworks to care for andsafeguard the public, promoting a culture of safety at all times.

B04 Critically appraise and appl.y the concert of person-centredness andrespond to service users’ choices in respect of their lifestyles, cultures,religion, social circumstances and environments.

B05 Systematically assess, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care,taking account of relevant physical, psychological, social, cultural, spiritualand environmental factors and critically reflect on the application ofsupporting.

B06 Critically reflect on personal communication and interpersonal skills incommunication with health care colleagues and service users with a varietyof needs, including service users with learning disabilities and mental healthneeds.

B07 Critically apprise and apply relevant theoretical and research evidencein the provision and evaluation of health care provision.

B08 Apply effective leadership when striving to enhance the ptientexperience and promote a sustained culture of service improvement

06/07/2020, 11)27Assessment Information: Contemporary Challenges in Adult Health Care (2019 MOD005230 TRI3-1 B01CHE)Page 7 of 10https://canvas.anglia.ac.uk/courses/15336/pages/assessment-information?module_item_id=759489B09 Critically appraise the complexities of integrated care (across healthand social care environments) and apply knowledge to support safe andeffective communication to ensure decisions about care are made inpartnership with service users, their carers and otherprofessionals/agencies and evaluate.

B10 Work independently as a self-critical learner and demonstrate learningfrom experience, feedback and reflection, identifying areas of practicerequiring furhter development.

B12 Demonstrate competence in the use of IT, health informatics andtechnologies to enhance the effective management of care of service usersand consider opportunities to involve service users in retaining control oftheir health through the use of technology.

B13 Demonstrate effective team working and the ability to safely andeffectively co-ordinate, negotiate, delegate and supervise care.