Disasters occur every day. The community health nurse has a significant role in preparedness, response and recovery when disaster strikes locally. Effective response to disaster demands the Discuss the role of the Community Health Nurse in each stage of disaster. to develop specific competencies. These include understanding the role, recognition of disaster-related health conditions, infection control post disaster, disease reporting, public education and stress management in the affected community.Assigned websites:


  • Focus on a real or fictional disaster that has or could affect your area. For example, if you live on the west coast California  and you might chose potential
  • Discuss the role of the Community Health Nurse in each stage of disaster. Please discuss in detail community nurse role in: preparedness, response, recovery with specific activities and resources that the public health nurse would use in each stage.
  • Identify other agencies that might be involved.

The assignment should be submitted  in APA  approximately 1500 words and include at least two scholarly sources other than provided materials no older than 2016.