Your previous position within the organization has provided you with the opportunity to experience the gaps and inadequacies of the current workforce
structure. As a result, you are prepared to present a proposal to guide the agency’s efforts to recruit and retain an outstanding workforce and acquire adequate
funding to sustain the necessary programmatic growth needed to improve service delivery. You are expected to present your ideas to the director in preparation
for the board of directors’ meeting.
Prepare your Organizational Change Project Proposal in the format best designed to articulate your recommendations: written report, PowerPoint using speaker
notes, or Prezi or video recording with a transcript.
The following critical elements represent the outline of the proposal you are tasked with creating. Your proposal will have three parts: I. Introduction, II.
Workforce Structure, III. Budget and Funding, and IV. Conclusion.
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Introduction to the Proposal
a) Describe the agency in terms of the current workforce structure, budget, and funding. How do they impact the culture of the agency? Consider
how the agency’s culture impacts the programs offered by the agency.
b) Justify the implementation of the proposal using the above description of the workforce structure, budget, and funding’s impact on the
agency’s culture. Consider the proposal’s potential impact on the programs offered by the agency.
c) Describe how the agency’s mission was considered when creating the proposal. What is the relationship between the agency’s mission and the
community? Consider how the current state of the agency might impact its mission if concerns are not addressed.
d) Describe how current trends in human service delivery influenced the creation of proposal. How might this influence impact costs and the
quality of services? Consider how impacting costs and quality of service could affect the community.
e) Identify how the proposal will alter the state of the agency. What are the key ideas in the proposal that will positively impact programmatic
service delivery now and in the future? You might also consider the historical and current trends in human services delivery.