Write a 5 page biographical paper on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Here are the details:
Do about 1 page of early biography and how he became a Civil Rights Leader
Focus the bulk of the paper on his views of racism, violence, and his goals for the Civil Rights Movement
End with a page on his legacy as a Civil Rights leader.
NOTE: This is an academic paper … not a book report.
The papers must be typed, 2.0 spaced, 14-point font, Arial. Margins will be 1” – top, bottom, right and left hand. Additionally, margins must be justified … with NO ragged right hand text.
Please note: MLA will be used as the source citation format.
Papers will reflect adequate research from academic sources, as well as reference citations.
A “works cited” page must be included with all researched based papers. Failure to include textual documentation and/or a “works cited” page shall lose points.
The following types of sources are not acceptable for any paper written during this course: Search-engine based articles such as Wikipedia.com, Sparknotes.com, World Book, Encyclopedia Britannica, etc. Points will be deducted for each non-academic or unapproved source citation.