Paper 1 GuidelinesThis paper must be typed, single spaced and 2-3 pages in length to receive full credit. The paper must be submitted via the Assignments Link in Canvas on or before the due date listed on the syllabus.In this assignment you are being asked to compare two countries; one First worldcountry and one Third world country in terms of their physical location, economy, demographic, politics, culture, and other characteristics associated with social development..I) Defining Key Concepts and Selecting two countries (20 pts.)1. Distinguish between First World and the Third World (define these two terms in your own words. (10 pts.)2. Use the knowledge gained from class regarding the differences between the first and third world countries to make the selection (10 pts.). Use the key below to select the two countries:Key: if your last name starts with a letter in one of the following groups, your two countries’ names have to start with a letter from the same group.Group 1: A, B, C, D, E, FGroup 3: M, N, O, P, Q, RGroup 2: G, H, I, J, K, LGroup 4: S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, ZSo, for example, if your last name is McGuire you will pick your country based on letters in group 3. So your choices are Mexico, Mauritius, Mongolia, New Zealand, Rhodesia or any other country whose name starts with one of the letters in group 3. II) Descriptive Information about the countries you selected (30 pts.) PLEASE USE A TABLE FOR THIS SECTION OF THE PAPER!! You can use any website to gather this information.You must provide following information about “your” country:A.Geography (location, access to sea, topography, climate, size in squared miles or kilometers)B. Economy (GDP, GDP per capita or PPP, PPP per capita, budget revenues, main economic sectors, % employed in agriculture, unemployment rate, main imports and exports, value of FDI, FDI as % of GDP)C. Politics (history of colonialism if any, year of gaining independence and from whom, form of government, military internal and/or external conflicts and why).D. Culture (main ethnic group(s), main languages spoken, official language)E. Human Development (literacy rates men and women, life expectancy, infant mortality, HIV/AIDS deaths, crime rates, % women in national legislature)
III) Comparative Analysis (30 pts.)Using the statistical and other information that you found as evidence, explain how these two countries compare on development (both economic and human development). Based on your research and our discussion in class, identify at least three causes of underdevelopment of the Third World country you selected. Is there any information you found that provides some hope about the future of this Third World country? Identify three causes behind successful development of the First World country you selected. Is there any information that you found that may make it more difficult for this country to continue its successful development in the future? IV) Bibliography (10 pts.)List any sources that you consulted for your paper (PowerPoint lectures, textbook, assigned reading, internet sites, etc.) in the proper format (APA, ASA, and MLA formats are acceptable). You must list minimum of two sources in your bibliography.V) Organization, Format, Grammar, Clarity (10 pts.). Your paper should be easy to read, clear, well organized, properly formatted, and grammatically correct. Place all statistics in a table!!