The role of women, especially women of color, has been silent in American History and most social studies classes, unless she is Martha Washington, Phyllis Wheatly, Abigail Adams, Emily Dickinson, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The million-dollar question is, “how did girls and women exist during the Antebellum, Civil War and Reconstruction periods in American history?”
Students are required to research the role of African American girls and women, 1808-1877 and discuss how their lives compare to Anglo and Mexican American girls and women. How do regional and geographical locations impact the daily lives of all women?
The essay must be at least two complete and no more than three pages, double spaced, Times New Roman style, 12 font, 1.5-inch margin with at least 5 sources. . Students should also have references from The Unfinished Nation. All sources must be listed on the reference page.!%2F4%2F1:0)

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