The focus of this assignment is upon how the four pillars facilitated a successful implementation and change of improving sleep within the Intensive Care Unit .
Demonstrate critical awareness by reflecting on the role transition towards advanced practice through personal, professional and academic development.Draw on drivers for advanced practice, multi-professional Framework, any policy documents that support advanced practice development and rationalisation, this will be your Introduction/background, 500-750 words,using up to date references.
Critically evaluate the issues underpinning health and social policy to a specified client group I(Critical Care Patients).
Introduce your change idea & rationalization for it – keep it small, (SMART) perhaps have a read through guidelines that your interested in & identify a recommendation that is not implemented particularly well. This can be a change directed at patients or staff – ultimately the end goal will be the same.
The research pillar – should be largely covered in your rationalisation for change as this embeds evidence based practice. But you will weave it within other pillars also.
Have a conceptual understanding to allow for a critical evaluation of how their advanced nursing practice role can improve health outcomes, applying research to argue for alternative approaches.
This is ultimately building from your leadership pillar, remember to be critical. How can you improve health outcomes? What barriers exist? What levers can you use– be aware the UK literature is likely to be a little light, look for advanced clinical practice as well as nursing. If you are going to other countries for research articles are they comparable to the health systems of your workplace. Are they comparable? Is the context similar? Look for different models of care perhaps.
500 – 1000 words
Harvard referencing
Use arial 11 or 12 point font 1.5 line spacing
Add page numbers