Instruction: Compare and contrast Du Bois and Arendt on the means deployed to control a population. What would be a good example of such a control today? Be specific about the processes that may be involved (for instance, you may focus on the law, the media, science, and/or the police etc…). You do not need to write about all of these domains (one or two may be enough) but you should illustrate your analysis with references both to the texts we read and to concrete contemporary situations *Please refer to this prompt and fill it out according to each of the following paragraphs.
Here are the real prompts you should follow and write.
Paragraph 1:

Describe the empirical case(s) you will be exploring in the Paper. What population is being controlled, how, and why? What else do we need to know in terms of context? 150-250 words. You must include a citation to a news article/book/documentary referencing your phenomenon.
Paragraph 2:

Outline your theoretical argument, connecting the empirical example you described with the theories of Dubois and Arendt. 150-250 words.
Please include citations to the DuBois and Arendt readings you will be referencing. So, you should write two paragraphs!
So here are the lists for specific page numbers of readings. (just for your convenience for making citations). You don’t need to use all the readings for citations. Just pick some appropriate theories for your example to cite.
W.E.B. Du Bois. Of Our Spiritual Strivings. Pp7-14 in The Souls of Black Folk. Dover 1994 (1903).
W.E.B. Du Bois, The Black Worker. The White Worker. Pp. 3-31 in Black Reconstruction. The Free Press 1999 (1935). W.E.B. Du Bois, Back Toward Slavery. Pp670-710 in Black Reconstruction. The Free Press 1999 (1935).
W.E.B. Du Bois, Of the Dawn of Freedom. Pp. 8-24 in The Souls of Black Folks. Dover. From: Peter Baehr (ed.) The Portable Hannah Arendt. Penguin 2003. * Truth and Politics IV. Pp562-570. * Total Domination.  Pp119-145. Hannah Arendt, The Perplexities of the Rights of Man. Pp31-48 in Peter Baehr (ed.) The Portable Hannah Arendt. Penguin 2003. Hannah Arendt, We refugees. Pp110-119 In Marc Robinson. Together Elsewhere. Writers on Exile. Faber & Faber, 1994.
Make sure you connect theories to your empirical example to support it.