Old Testament Summary Project
For this assignment you will write an original essay summarizing the overarching story of the Old Testament and showing how it relates to the New Testament. The essay should highlight the main characters, significant events and significant concepts from each part of the Old Testament (Law, Prophets, Writings) with the goal of telling the story of God’s plan for his people and how that plan relates to the New Testament.
Use the book Arnold, Introduction to the Old Testament; you may also consult the optional Kelle, Telling the Old Testament Story. The essay should highlight the main characters and significant events and concepts from each part of the Old Testament (Law, Prophets, Writings) with the goal of telling the story of God’s plan for his people and how that plan relates to the New Testament. The assignment will be graded on accuracy, thoroughness and clarity in communication. Please document any Bible reference or quote from another book or secondary source.
The goal of this assignment is not to talk about everyone and everything that happens, but to be able to tell the BIG, overarching story of the Old Testament and to show how it leads into the New Testament.