CASE STUDY ASSIGNMENT Complete the following case study.Instructions: Read the case study, then review the followingquestions below. Write a four to five paragraph analysisof the case study. Use your text and at least one outsidescholarly resourceas a reference. Read and Review the case study content for evaluation rubricsvery clearly prior to completing your analysis. Include a separatetitle pagewith your name and date with your submission. Jose, 7 years old, and his mother livesalone in a one-bedroom apartment close to his school. Most afternoons Jose walks home alone, lets himself into their apartment, & watches television until his mother comes home from work. His favorite after-school snack consistsof potato chips & a sodaor fruit drink. For dinner, Jose’s mother usually brings something home from a local fast food restaurant because she is “too tired to cook.” She knows this isn’t good for either one of them. Jose’s mother is currently being treated for high blood pressure, and the pediatrician has expressed concern about Jose’s continued weight gain. However, Jose’s mother doesn’t see how she can change anything,given her work schedule and limited income. Consider the following questions when writing your case study analysis. How would you describe Jose’s short-and long-term nutritionalhealth? What concerns would you have about Jose’shealth? What potential health problems is Jose likely to develop if his current behaviordoesnot change?What environmental risk factors may be contributing to the family’s lack of healthy foods. If you were working with this family, what suggestions would you have for improving their nutritionalhealth?✓Your Analysis should discussthe main issues of Jose and his mother✓Clearly support your findings,thoughts and ideaswith at least two scholarly references, your text and an additionaloutside sourceshould be utilized. (the Sheppard’slibrary links provide excellentresources)✓APA referencestyle required ✓Avoid plagiarizing(will be penalized accordingly see course syllabus