MBA 635 Milestone TwoGuidelines and Rubric The final project for this course is the creation of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) addendum.The CSR addendum will include a brief discussion of the mission, vision, and values of the company; the impact of trends in organizationalculture and corporate social responsibility on business ideas; and the potential ethical or regulatory issues that affect the corporate strategy and brand development. The CSR addendum will conclude with a discussion of the best potential outcome of the company’s CSR efforts and the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards for the company.For this milestone, submit a draft of the Trends and Ethics portions of the final project (Sections II and III).Specifically, the following critical elementsmust be addressed:II.TrendsA.Business Environment: Analyze the current internal and external factors related to the intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial idea. In other words, what are the internal and external factors, and how do thefactors influence theintrapreneurial or entrepreneurial idea and organization?B.Description: Maintainingthe context of your intrapreneurial or entrepreneurialidea,describe the trends in CSR, sustainability, and business ethics that mayimpact your business. C.Impact: Next, identify how the above-referenced trends in CSR, sustainability, and business ethics may impact your intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial idea,and how your companymayprepare for the trends.III.EthicsA.Issues: Describe the potential business ethics and regulatory issues that could impact your intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial idea. How could these ethics and regulatory issues affect your corporate strategy, brand development, and decision-making processes? B.Alignment: How will you align your corporate strategy, brand development, and decision-making processes to the business ethics and regulatory issues that you described? C.Sustainability: How will the alignment of corporate strategy, brand development, and decision-making processes to the business ethics and regulatory issues you described optimize the sustainability of your intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial idea?