Review   Answer two, or more, of the questions below.

  1. Is the brand set up for engagement? Mark Kingdon, CEO of Organic, Inc., a digital marketing agency, said that “Brands have to allow for and anticipate dialogue, because consumers very much want to engage with brands and not all brands are setup up for engagement.  A lot of brands are simply set up to broadcast their message to an audience.  Some brands will be safe with one-way communication.
  2. If the traditional brand participates in social media, where should the brand be? Should the brand have its own dedicated social network space?  Or will the brand have a best chance of creating consumer dialog and engagement by using an existing network such as gather or facebook?  Is there a social network site that is well suited to the brand?  For Example, Purina is perfectly suited to advertising on dogster, but its message may not be as effective on Glue.
  3. How can the brands’ profile be developed in such as way as to reflect the brand’s personality? With that voice will the brand speak.  How will the brand interact within the site?
  4. How can the brand integrate its social network presence into other campaign components? Integration may start with simple steps such as including facebook icon in other brand message and develop into utilizing the social networks for sales promotions such as coupon distribution and contest administration.