For part one of this week’s assignment, prepare concrete
comprehensive guidelines for yourself on how you will:
1. ASK: Describe how you will decide on the type of question
you are researching. Be specific in your decision-making
process and what criteria you will use. For example, will you
use one of the classifications of questions discussed in your
text in the Defining the Purpose of the Search section to
formulate your questions?
2. ACQUIRE: Describe how you will find research articles to
answer your question.
3. APPRAISE: Describe how you will determine the quality of theresearch, to whom the findings apply and in what contextsthey are appropriate. Consider all that we have covered to
date on evaluating research studies and identify what
checklists or rubrics you’ll use to appraise the studies you
find (e.g., Appendix II in the text, any of the readings from
Week 7).
4. APPLY: Describe how you will integrate the research findings
with your experience to date and your hypothetical client
population and clinical context. In other words, envision who
you might work with and where you might work with them,
and then describe how you will decide on the most effective
way to use research findings in your therapy with such
clients. What kinds of information do you anticipate pulling
from research articles to guide your work with such clients?
5. ANALYZE AND ADJUST: Describe what methods you will use
to assess the effectiveness of the interventions you might pull
from the studies you found. Considering that the
research-based interventions you found may not always be
effective, explain what you would do in such situations.
Length: 4-5 pages
Week 9 – Assignment part 2: Finding
EBP Resources
Finding research articles outside of the university library
Some resources might not be available at your University library.
However, you can still explore them and incorporate as part of your
assignment. Remember, there are a number of alternative ways to
access academic sources. These include:
Search Google Scholar. Although you may not be able to access many
of the articles you find, you will be able to read the abstracts to see
whether it is an article worth tracking down. Also, it may be that some of
the articles listed will have a direct link to a pdf of the article you are
looking for.
Get a library card for your local library. Many local library systems
subscribe to the online journal databases that university libraries
subscribe to. Check the libraries website to see what type of access you
have using your library card and whether there is a process for
requesting access to an article through the library.
Visit a nearby university library. If you are in a location where there
are local universities, call to see whether they have computers for use by
non-university affiliated people. Many universities have a few computers
they designate for open access where community members can use the
university system to find resources. You can use the library catalog to
search for hard copies of journals and books stored in the library stacks
Check membership benefits of professional organizations. Many
professional organizations like American Association for Marriage,
Family Therapy and American Psychological Association offer access to
databases and journals they publish as a benefit for their members.
Visit an author’s home page. If you have found research you are
interested in further exploring, you can use Google to search for the
author’s website. Often authors will provide a list of their publications
which you can use to identify more articles you might like to find.
Although authors cannot distribute pdfs of their work on their website
because of copyright restrictions, some will recount the findings of their
research on their website.
Watch journal alerts and check the publisher websites. Often
publishers will offer temporary access to an issue of a journal as a
means of providing samples for considering a subscription.
If all else fails, you can buy access to individual articles on publishers
websites. The cost for individual articles ranges from $15-$40 for an
individual article. If you find an article that is by a well-researched author,
it is likely that they have also published a book on the same topic so
check to see if that is an option as well. Books written by academics will
usually consolidate the researcher’s knowledge from many different
studies and might be worth purchasing as an alternative to an individual
article. Often a recently published book by an academic researcher will
include what is found in the research articles and much more.
For part two of this assignment, you will identify your own list of at
least 10 resources that you will still be able to use to walk through
the EBP process when you have graduated fromcollege and no
longer have library access. Use the list above and Appendix III
from the text. Pick three of these resources and include the citation
of a published study, in APA format, that you were able to obtain
from that resource.
Length: 1-2 pages
(1) Advancing evidence-based practice:
a primer.
Salmond SW
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, School of Nursing, Newark, NJ
Orthopaedic Nursing (ORTHOP NURS), Mar/Apr2007; 26(2): 114-125. (12p)
Publication Type:
Journal Article – CEU, exam questions, tables/charts, website
Major Subjects:
Professional Practice, Evidence-Based
Minor Subjects:
Decision Making; Education, Continuing (Credit); Information Resources; Practice
Guidelines; Research — Classification; Serial Publications; World Wide Web
Evidence-based practice (EBP) requires a shift from the traditional paradigm of
clinical practice grounded in intuition, clinical experience, and pathophysiological
rationale. In the EBP paradigm, clinical expertise is combined with integration of
best scientific evidence, patient values and preferences, and the clinical
circumstances. This primer article provides a summary of driving forces mandating
EBP, barriers to EBP, and an overview of the EBP process highlighting critical
resources and practices.