Written Assignment 6 (with LinkedIn Activity)
Read the articles by Doyle, Linaker, and Zhang. Then do the following (two parts):
1. Create your own professional online profile, suitable for LinkedIn. Limit your profile to only three of the areas discussed by Zhang: headline, summary, and experience. Follow the advice of Zhang and or other sources for each.
2. In a separate document of up to 300 words, explain the principles you followed in creating your profile and discuss the advantages of social media networking through a professional profile like the one you have created.
Your profile and the separate document should be concise and clearly written, with a tone appropriate for a professional setting. Before submitting, read over your profile to be sure the writing is clear, with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Submit both documents through the Written Assignment 6 link.

Grading criteria Headline Your headline is highly descriptive and specific. Your headline is descriptive and specific. Your headline is minimally descriptive and specific. Your headline is inadequately descriptive and specific. null

Summary Your summary compellingly features your key values, passions, and strengths and effectively displays your personality. Your summary features your key values, passions, and strengths and displays your personality. Your summary incompletely features your key values, passions, and strengths and ambiguously displays your personality. Your summary insufficiently features your key values, passions, and strengths and inadequately displays your personality. null

Experience Your experience conclusively shows what you have done and how well you have done it, expertly aligned with the brand you are portraying. Your experience shows what you have done and how well you have done it, aligned with the brand you are portraying. Your experience minimally shows what you have done and how well you have done it, nebulously aligned with the brand you are portraying. Your experience inadequately shows what you have done and how well you have done it, insufficiently aligned with the brand you are portraying. null

Statement about principles followed in profile You cogently explain the principles followed in your profile. You adequately explain the principles followed in your profile. You cursorily explain the principles followed in your profile. You ineffectively explain the principles followed in your profile. null

Advantages of social media networking You intelligently discuss the advantages of social media networking. You satisfactorily discuss the advantages of social media networking. You perfunctorily discuss the advantages of social media networking. You unsatisfactorily discuss the advantages of social media networking. null

Mechanics You write in complete, well-constructed sentences with faultless grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling; writing is sharp, coherent, and demonstrates sophisticated clarity. You write in complete sentences with mostly correct grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling; minor errors may exist but do not compromise meaning. You write in unclear sentences with significant errors in grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling that may compromise meaning. You write in incomplete, incomprehensible sentences filled with serious errors in grammar, word choice, punctuation, or spelling. null