Module 3 Week 3 Assignment — Using Data: Scenarios 


Once you have finished watching Using Data to Inform Teaching, you will be prepared to complete the activity Using Data: Scenarios. In this activity, you will read various classroom scenarios and discuss ideas of what the teachers might do next when a child is making steady progress. The scenarios will be sequenced in the order below, which will correspond with the sequence of your responses. Your responses will be evaluated based on your demonstration of critical thinking, clear understanding, and application of the content.

  1. Persistence Scenario
  2. Direction-Following Scenario
  3. Expressive Language Scenario
  4. Early Writing Scenario

(Source: The materials referenced in this activity can be accessed from the Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center and are shared with open-access permission)

Please Answer Each Question Separately. Please write in the boxes under each question provided.

What could Tyler’s teachers do to help him continue to progress to the next level? Discuss and record your ideas below.

The teachers in the scenario below collect information from multiple sources to evaluate children’s progress. What changes could they make in their instruction to help a specific subgroup of children? Discuss and record your ideas below.

The teachers in the scenario below collect information from multiple sources to check the progress of a child who is reluctant to talk in the classroom. What changes could they make in their instruction to help Dina? Discuss and record your ideas below.

The teachers in this scenario collect information from multiple sources to evaluate children’s progress. What changes could they make to help the 4-year-olds in their class develop early writing skills? Discuss and record your ideas below.