Litterateur review plan

This chapter begins with exploring the process of students’ decision-making and examining the factors of both students’ choices of country destination and university.  Secondly, looking into individual’s behaviour concepts such as social influences on behaviour, word-of-mouth communication and the role of external recruitment agencies influence it has on students.  Also, included in this discussion are some considerations from the literature of student’s perceptions, and expectations.  Fourthly, as this study seeks to develop theory in the framework of motivation, a summary of student’s motivations, experience and retention is included.

There are several studies confirms student choice is a complex process when deciding to enrol at a higher education institution (Briggs, 2006; Soutar and Turner, 2002; Szekeres, 2010, James-MacEachern and Yun, 2017)). The complexity is sought to be the nature of the intangible benefit, as it is high costs considered to be high risks, and hence it is comprehended as a high involvement process.  Also, it is difficult to study one group of students or generalise a study, due to the student’s unpredictable behaviours subjective to various ethnicity, subcultural and norms.

The main themes are:

Decision making, perception, expectation and experience * and the goal is to discuss them to explore how they will have an effect on student’s satisfaction upon arrival after based on their decision making on both the city and the university.

  • ABC model, push and pull factors…
  • Rough sketch!

 2.1 International Student Mobility

*  Factors that steer the flow of international students’ mobility

* Factors that influence international students’ decision-making process

* Push and pull factor
* ABC model

*  Knowledge of study destination

*  Attractiveness of higher education abroad

*  International students’ personal motivation

*  Influence of traditional information sources

2.2 University Choice & Decision-making: Definition & Theoretical Models (brand image+)

*  Sociological Models

*  Model of International Students Preference

*  University Choice & Decision-making

*  Pre-search

*  Search

*  Application decision

*  Choice decision


2.4 Marketing: Traditional University Marketing & Recruitment Methods

– Communication i.e. source of information. – recruitment trend*

* roles of external recruitment agents

– How experience had an impact of satisfaction after arrival