AGAD 100

Blog Posts


We have a class blog. Students are encouraged to post interesting articles, helpful resources, and reflections on the course. At least two of the posts will be a reflection on a live or recorded interview / talk with someone working in arts and cultural management.


Discuss experiences in arts and cultural management. Show connections between course content and these experiences.

Suggested and firm due dates

 Students are encouraged to post on the blog throughout the courses. They should download two posts and submit them as assignments.


The blog posts are worth 10% of your final grade or 5% each.

Detailed instructions

Step one: In the first week of the course, students will be added as authors to our course blog. Creating digital content is increasingly important to arts and cultural management. As such, students are invited to experiment and post content related to the course (articles, videos, links to other blogs, reflections on experiences in arts and cultural management). This space is for students to engage in peer to peer learning in a less structured way.

Step two: There will be opportunities to listen / watch people talk about working in arts and culture throughout the course. Students are invited to listen / watch at least two audio files /videos. The instructor will provide a list of opportunities. Students can choose a podcast / video / lecture series / etc. that is not on the list. However, the content must include someone talking about working / volunteering in arts and culture. Please email me if you need clarification.

Step three: Students should create at least two reflections (written or audio-visual) that include:

  • A brief summary of the content
  • 3 “take aways” (i.e. lessons)
  • A reflection on the connection between course content and practice

Step four: Post your reflection to the class blog to receive feedback from colleagues. Read other posts and provide feedback to at least one colleague.

Step five: After posting to the blog, students should incorporate feedback and submit their reflection to blackboard.

To submit, click on Assignments in the course navigation menu then click on the Blog posts folder.