Oliveras Community Assessment CaseThis assignment measures BASW Program Learning Outcome (PLO)9 –Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations and CommunitiesThe behaviors that demonstrate this learning outcome include: Social workers understand that they:xSelect and use appropriate methods for evaluation outcomes; xApply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment, person-in-environment and other multidisciplinary frameworks in the evaluation of outcomes; xCritically analyze, monitor and evaluate intervention and program processes and outcomes and xApply evaluation findings to improve practice effectiveness as the micro, mezzo and macro levels.Students are expected to demonstrate these behaviors/actions in completing a community assessment based the following vignette assignment. VIGNETTE:You work for a large Family Services Agency that provides wrap around and specialized services to a large immigrant population in your community. Your primary role is working with immigrant families;providing information and access to legal and economic resources and helping families navigate the legal residency processalong with crisis intervention and resource referral. The immigrant community is a mixture of both documented and undocumented immigrants. It is a tight knit community, with many residents living in the area for 20 or more years. Julio and Claudia Olivares were referred to you by the local parish priest, who insisted they speak with someone who could help them with their concerns. Julio is 28 and Claudia is 27. Julio is a machine mechanic and works for a local manufacturing company. Claudia is a stay at home mom, but works occasionallyfor her hXVband¶Vfamily business, a cleaning companystarted by JXlio¶V faWherWhaW proYideV office and eYenW cleaning VerYiceV. JXlio¶Vfamily has had theirbusiness in the community for the last 25 years.Julio and Claudia have two small children ages 5 and 3. Thefamilypurchased a home 8 months ago and havelived in the community for all of their married life. Julio is a ³Dreamer, ́brought to the community by his parents when he was three. He attended elementary, high school and college in the community. Claudia is not;she came to the community nineyears ago. Claudia finished her AA degree in office administrationonline recently and is very proud that she was able to do so.

The couple presentswith much anxiety, as the recent political climate has them fearful that they Zill be impacWed in a negaWiYe Za\ and VeparaWed aV a famil\. JXlio¶V parenWV are noZ permanenW residents and Julio has completed all of the paperwork to obtain his permanent residency status, but Claudia has only just begun this process. She is fearful that she will be deported and taken away from her children and husband. Julio is uncertain whether he will be allowed to obtain his permanent residency status and apply for citizenship due to what he perceives as acurrent negative political climate toward immigrants. He is fearful that he will lose his job, lose their home and be separated from his wife. A neighbor was detained and deported while grocery shopping in February. She and Claudia were good friends and Claudia has taken it very hard. In the past 3months, Claudia has rarely left the house. She is afraid that if she goes shopping, to the bank or Wo her children¶V pre-school, she will be detained and deported by Immigration officials. She stopped attending church services, for fear that their congregation, which is mostly immigrants,would be raided.Claudia has nightmaresandis afraid to be outside the perimeter of her home. Sheshakes and sweats in any public area, cries and hyperventilates when the house is approached by strangers and her anxiety is now being transmitted to both small children. Julio does all of the familyshopping, takes the children to appointments and churchand transports the children to and from pre-school. Doing so has taken a toll on him physically and emotionally and he admits to feeling hopeleVV, helpleVV Wo qXell hiV Zife¶V an[ieW\ andexperiencing feelings of increased doom regarding what will happen to his family. He VXpporWV hiV Zife iVolaWing, VWaWing ³WhaW elVe can Ze do Wo be Vafe? WhaW Zill happen Wo m\ children and me if Whe\ Wake her aZa\? ́ JXlio haV been reprimanded twice at his jobfor being late and leaving early, due to his added responsibilities and fears he will be targeted for termination. Several otherknownimmigrantsat workhave been harassed, given poor work details,or been fired suddenly. He has lost 10lbs and has significant sleep disruption.He states ³MoVW people here don¶W knoZ m\ immigranW VWaWXV becaXVe I greZ Xp here, bXW ZhaW Zill happen Zhen Whe\ find oXW? ́Julio and Claudia are part of a large portion of immigrants in the community whoarepresenting asfearful, anxious and uncertain about their future or the future of family members. Many own their homes or have businesses,and language differences make them easily identifiable. There is significant negative misinformation being spread informally within the immigrantcommunityabout their rights that is fueling the increased anxiety. Within the past week, negative flyers were circulatedstating:³We knoZ Zho \oX are and ICE Zill find \oX. ́ Man\ memberV of the community are angry, disheartened,and afraid to ask for needed assistance or helpwhen feeling threatened, intimidated,or when discriminated against. Reports of discriminatory and racist incidents have increased within the community and the climate among many community members is described aV ³Yer\ WenVe. ́ The agency has seen an

increase in substance mis-use, anxiety disorders, depression,and intimate partner abuse in the last few months, as the impact of the recent political climate has fosteredmuch dismay and distress among the immigrant members ofthe community.ASSIGNMENT AssessmentIdentify and discuss three issues occurring in this community scenario (one micro, one mezzo, and one macro) impacting the clientsand similar community members that point to the need tointervene as a community practitioner.Social Work Approach

1.Using your Community and Organization text (Bruggerman, 2014, Chapter 9, pgs. 256-274), identify and discuss the social work approachof community organizing to: Address at least three methods that are relevant to engaging and assessing the community; creating a cohesive group; engaging members to action; and negotiating and securing group needs. Summarize in one paragraph twomethods on ending practitioner involvement. Useauthoritative sources to support their statements. Evaluation

2.Using your social work research methods knowledge:a.Identify and describe aresearchevaluation tool you will use to determine the success of your social work practice interventions. (Give a specific example of how this this tool can be used in thesituation).b.Briefly describe how this evaluative tool functions. c.Using the identified tool, identify what you are measuring, describeyour baseline how you will know your work has been effective.d.Give a rationale as to why the chosen tool is relevantand provide support for your measurement as a³best practice ́in evaluation.

Theoretical Application: 3, 4, 53.Summarize how you would critically analyze, monitor, and evaluate your intervention at the micro, mezzo, and macro level. 4.Discuss how the intervention outcomes could improve social work practice effectiveness.a.Include at least two theoretical frameworks in your discussion of evaluating social work practice outcomes;at least one aspect of thePerson-in-Environment perspectiverelevant to yourevaluation ofthe outcomes of your intervention; one other theoretical perspective (choose one from Human Behaviorand Social Environment, Strengths Perspective, Systems Theory, Famil\ S\VWemV, eWc«). 5.Explain how and why the two selected perspectives are important to evaluating outcomes of theinterventions. Paper Instructions6.Paper should be 5-7 pages (excluding title page and references). APA format is required. There should be headings for eachsectionanswered. Be sure to review the rubric prior to writing your paper(located in the Rubric section in Blackboard). Be careful to answer each section of the question asked. This is a formal paper, so formal, professional language should be used, rather than conversational language.Proper use of grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and syntax are required