Each student will complete a written critique of an article pertaining to psychology. The paper will be presented and serve as a stimulus for class discussion, which will be led by the student. Researching and analyzing the article is intended to foster an understanding of different perspectives and current theories, as well as allow a more in-depth exploration of a topic of interest to the student. This is your chance to research something you’re interested in and learn more about it so find something that intrigues you! Students should submit a photocopy of the article and a typed report (2-3 pages) containing the following:
1. Title of article
2. Authors & affiliations
3. Name of journal
4. Date of publication (must be 2000 or later)
5. Purpose/summary of the article
6. What are the practical implications of the article?
(Of what importance is it and to whom would this article be useful?)
7. Criticisms of article and suggestions for improvement?
8. Personal/professional usefulness of study?
(What can you use from this study either personally or professionally? Why did you select it? Did you enjoy it? Was it helpful?