Reaction Papers are multipurpose. They are intended to demonstrate your comprehension of an assigned reading. Most importantly, they are intended for you to give your reaction to the assigned reading. This semester the assigned reading is titled “Submission to the Independent Expert Review of the International Criminal Court” prepared by the Human Rights Watch. Motivated by calls for a review of the Court’s performance made by States, Court officials, civil society and other key stakeholders, at the last session of the Assembly of States Parties in December 2019 States adopted a resolution establishing a formal process in order to identify and implement measures to strengthen and improve the performance of the ICC and of the Rome Statute system. The assigned reading is the Human Rights Watch contribution to this process.
Papers must be around 1200 – 1300 words. They must be double-spaced; font size: 12; with standard margins. They must have a heading including your name and student ID; page numbering, and consistent use of footnotes/references. Proofreading for grammatical errors is expected. Make sure that your paper is in the form of an essay with an introduction, body and conclusion.
Your Reaction Paper should demonstrate comprehension of the assigned reading and contain a critical and thoughtful reaction to the reading. Reaction should make up the majority of the Reaction Paper. There are a number of ways you might approach the task of reaction to the readings.
Focus on certain aspects of the reading that you will argue pertaining to some issue or idea we have discussed in previous classes. Does the reading support, undermine or come into tension with previous issues or concepts? Explain why it is significant.
Focus on a particular theme or issues raised by the reading and give your own perspective on it. Be sure to elaborate on your opinion. What is your thinking based on? What are the strengths and the weaknesses of the main sides of the issue, as you see it? Do you have any personal experience that is relevant to the issue?
Students are expected to conduct basic online research in order to further support their arguments. They shall quote other authors, if need be. For references, please use the Harvard referencing style:
What to Avoid:
A Reaction Paper is NOT a book report! You must give some brief summary of the reading in order to write a good paper, but only summarize what is necessary to write your reaction. It is also important to avoid vague impressions about the reading. Base everything you say on something specific in the reading, such as a quote, or a concept or an argument. Dig into something solid. Make sure you make proper reference to these specific details, as the reaction paper must also prove you effectively read the assigned readings.
