The scenario –
You have been provided with drawings for a construction project. The project’s client has asked for a detailed written and illustrated description of the processes involved in securing a successful planning approval and an effective Building Regulations approval.
Your response should include the following information:
An explanation of the key legislation and agencies in the planning and building control processes.
An explanation of how planning and building regulation decisions are made and the processes available to appeal and monitor them.
An analysis of the role of planning systems and agencies in managing the development of land and buildings.
An analysis of the application of building regulations in low and medium rise residential and commercial buildings.
An evaluation of the impact of planning systems and building regulations agencies in managing the development of land and buildings.
Tutor’s commentary –
To achieve the pass tasks, you need to clearly explain the processes of planning and building regulations. Your responses should relate to the project provided and current legislation.
To achieve the merit tasks, you need to analyse the processes mentioned above, for example by highlighting any scope for improvement and relating them to the project provided and the built environment generally.
To achieve the distinction task, you need to evaluate the impact of the planning and building reg’s processes, for example by discussing the strengths and weaknesses highlighted above and relating them to the project provided, its context and the built environment generally.