Data Analysis Processes
Once you finish reading all the transcripts for qualitative interviews, it is understandable that you may feel overwhelmed. Phenomenological interviews will often yield significantly more data than the case study interview; however, now you will start to make sense of all that data you collected. Unfortunately, novice researchers usually get to this stage with two main issues: first they think everything is important, and second, they will be afraid to choose any one thing on which to focus. The best way to navigate these two dilemmas is to remember that your interpretation of the data will be only one of several “right” ways in which the data can be interpreted.
To prepare for this Discussion, review Section 2.14, “Data Analysis (Qualitative Only)” of the DBA Doctoral Study Rubric and Handbook and consider what data analysis process (modified Van Kaam, Van Maanen, thematic analysis, etc.) is most applicable to the research design described in your DBA Prospectus created in a previous course.
Post an explanation for your choice of data analysis technique for doctoral qualitative research. In your explanation, do the following:
Briefly describe the business problem identified for your DBA Doctoral Prospectus.
Explain which data analysis process is most appropriate to your DBA Doctoral Study, providing a rationale for your choice using supportive scholarly examples.
Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and one or more additional scholarly sources.