2-4-page academic paper in which you describe a business situation, apply a critical thinking framework to the situation, and recommend evidence-based solutions to the situation. Explain how the concepts of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) could affect both the situation and the solution.Read the following and think about how Panera used critical thinking and an understanding of VUCA to solve their mosh pit problem. Pay attention to Kallet’s critical thinking framework in particular.
Jargon, J. (2017, June 2). How Panera solved its mosh pit problem. The Wall Street Journal.
Kallet, M. (2014). Think smarter: Critical thinking to improve problem-solving and decision-making skills. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Sons.
Then, find another company with a problem they need to fix. You may use NASA, BP, or United Airlines, all of whom have had numerous high-profile problems to solve in recent years, if you wish. Or, you may choose a company that you know has an issue. If you are unsure who to use, try searching “Companies with customer service problems” online and you will get a lot of ideas, though your problem does not have to be about customer service. In an APA-formatted paper: SEE UPLOAD