Reflection and Application of Concepts Paper
demonstrate the understanding of economic globalization and neoliberalism’s impact on global health through a critical reflection. Reflections should be no less than 3 pages and no longer than 4 pages (not including title page and references). should address the following questions:
1. Using examples from discuss how your understanding of the concepts “economic globalization” and “neoliberalism” were made clearer by course materials.
2. Have your assumptions about global health been challenged by these course materials and if so in what way?
3. Why do these concepts and your assumptions matter to you as a global citizen and nurse?
4. How will this new knowledge influence your personal and professional actions moving forward?
***do not include outside resources for this assignment. Min of 3 references
Must used resource
– Spiegel, J, M., Labonte, R., & Ostry, A. S. (2004). Understanding “globalization” as a determinant of health determinants: A critical perspective. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 10(4), 360-367.
– Falk-Rafael, A. (2006). Globalization and Global Health: Towards Nursing Praxis in the Global Community. Advances in Nursing Science, 29(1), 2-14.
– Anderson, Rodney, Reimer-Kirkland, Browne, Khan, & Lynam (2009). Inequities in health & healthcare viewed through the ethical lens of critical social justice: Contextual knowledge for the global priorities ahead. Advances in Nursing Science, 32(4), 282-294.
If More resources need
– Rosa, W. E., & Upvall, M. J. (2019). The case for a paradigm shift: from global to planetary nursing. Nursing Forum, 54(2), 165–170.
– Khan, B. K. (2012) Understanding the gender aspects of tuberculosis: A narrative analysis of the lived experiences of women With TB in slums of Delhi, India. Health Care for Women International, 33:1, 3-18
– Carney, M.A., Krause, K.C. Immigration/migration and healthy publics: the threat of food insecurity. Palgrave Commun 6, 93 (2020).
Additional Formatting Requirements:
o 12-point font
o Arial or Times New Roman
o Double-spaced
o 1” margins
o Spell-checked
o APA Referencing (7th Edition