Application of evidence within nursing practice (shared) module 7NU586

Summative assessment

Course work 1 (CW1) Essay

Component 1: COURSEWORK

Summary of Assessment Method:  Essay (3500 words)

Research critique of a chosen research paper and high level critical discussion of utility of evidence for practice, defending arguments and debate with wider evidence.

Weighting:  100 %

Assesses Learning Outcomes: 1 ,2, 3

Learning outcomes to be demonstrated

  1. Critically evaluate differing research methodologies, data analysis and evidence in health and social care
  2. Critically defend and apply philosophical, legal and ethical debates for research
  3. Demonstrate mastery in the application of evidence in nursing practice

This is a 3500 word assignment, which requires you to critically analyse ONE research study. You will choose the research study yourself relevant to your field of nursing practice. (You need to inform the module leader of your chosen research study by the end of the third week of the module).

Your chosen research article should be a primary research study published in a peer reviewed journal within the last 5 years

The assignment is assessed at Level 7 and the pass mark is 50%. Your assignment should be submitted via Turnitin.

Assignment guidance

It is important that as a nurse you base your practice on sound evidence from an array of sources, research being one of them.  To ensure that you can practice in a professional and up to date manner, it is essential that you develop the critical skills needed to review, analyse and apply research findings to practice situations and understand the context of evidence based practice.  This process will aid your clinical decision making. This assignment requires you to demonstrate a concise critical evaluation of research evidence, including philosophical, legal and ethical debates that will show your mastery in the application of evidence to your field of nursing practice.


Research critique

The assignment should provide a concise critique of the chosen research study and a critical discussion about the implications for practice.


This should introduce the context of the essay and provide a rationale for your choice of research study. A chosen critical appraisal tool utilised in evaluating the study should also be introduced and a rationale for choice provided.

Critical evaluation of the study

In this section you should offer a critique of the study design informed by your critical appraisal tool e.g. methods, participants, research tools used. Your critique should demonstrate a balanced evaluation of the strengths and limitations of all aspects of the design of the study including ethical issues.

Discussion of implications of the application of evidence in nursing practice

Here you should critically discuss how the findings from the research study can inform your field of nursing practice.  You may consider the barriers to implementing the research as well as how the research findings compare to other sources of evidence such as policy guidance, patient/carer reported evidence, audit or other research studies on the same subject. You should draw on theory and practice experience to illustrate your critical points and develop your discussion.


A general conclusion also needs to be provided along with a complete reference list and any appendices if appropriate.

The work should be congruent with Level 7 criteria and in accordance with academic guidelines. It should reflect legal, ethical and professional practices. The written assignment must be appropriately referenced using the university style of referencing.