Milestone ThreeGuidelines and RubricThe final project for this course is the creation of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) addendum. The CSR addendum will include a brief discussion of the mission, vision, and values of the company; the impact of trends in organizational culture and corporate social responsibility on business ideas; and the potential ethical or regulatory issues that affect the corporate strategy and brand development. The CSR addendum will conclude with a discussion of the best potential outcome of the company’s CSR efforts and the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards for the company.For this m ilestone , submit a draft of the Decision Making and Impact portions of the final project (Sections IV and V).Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:IV.Decision MakingA.Decisions: Based on the potential business ethics and regulatory issues identified within the scope of your intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial idea, what are the business decisions that you will need to make? What processes will be used to make these decisions?B.Culture: How will these decisions and processes impact business sustainability and elements of corporate culture such as corporate citizenship, philanthropy, community involvement, the environment, and causal support?C.Stakeholders: How will stakeholder groups be affected by these decisions and processes?V.ImpactA.Community: Evaluate how the business ethics and regulatory issues identified within the scope of your intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial idea will impact the community served by your business or the community where your business is located.B.Global Environment: Evaluate how the business ethics and regulatory issues will impact the global business environment