NUR3805 QEP Written Assignment Template
Introduce the concept of the nursing metaparadigm and its four concepts. Outline what you will accomplish in this paper.
Definitions of Four Concepts of the Metaparadigm
Provide definitions of the four concepts (nursing, environment, health, person) and identify their sources. What do theorists say about these different concepts? How do they define them?
Personalized Definitions of Concepts of the Metaparadigm
You can write in first person in this section.
Provide your definitions of the four concepts (nursing, environment, health, and person). Reveal your nursing philosophy.* How do these concepts fit in your philosophy?
Analysis of Two Health Care Systems
Compare and contrast the philosophies of two health care systems (i.e., Mayo Clinic, Jackson Health System, Baptist Health, Cleveland Clinic). How are they different or similar?
Keywords: mission, values, philosophy, theory, nursing practice models, beliefs, vision
Summarize the most important points from paper. Draw any final conclusions about nursing philosophy.
(You can write in first person in this section.)
Address these questions in this section in a narrative fashion:
Did you experience any “a-ha” moment(s)?
What did you learn about yourself?
How will your nursing philosophy impact or guide your practice?
Did you connect more with the philosophy of one health care system over the other? How?
*You could use this template when crafting your nursing philosophy:
What to put in the blanks?
►Be sure to cite your four sources using the APA 7th ed.