1. This week I’d like you to explore how emanations from computers or mobile devices can pose a threat to an organization. As part of your posting, I’d like you to do the following:

1) Identify how an adversary could use emanations to steal data from an organization and then explain how this is a cyber security-related problem.

2) Define any constraining factors associated with this approach.

3) Identify different safeguards that can be put into place to prevent such threats.

4) Find and summarize one news article or piece of academic research on how emanations have been used/exploited to compromise the security of an organization.

Note: Emanation security/threat is not the same as wireless security/threat.

  1. For this week’s discussion, I’d like you to yet again do some research and report back your findings. In this particular case, I want you to identify and define what a PE environment means, how Live CDs/USBs work, and summarize how you, as a cyber security professional could use this to support defensive efforts (detective or corrective). Further, I’d like you to identify a PE building suite that works for the most recent version of Windows and what the add-on/software installation process looks like, i.e. what tools you would put on such an environment and for what purpose (actual names of tools/plugings/add-ons, not just descriptions of such). There are far less PE building kits for Mac, but if you so desire, feel free to report on this instead of Windows PE builders. As a starting point, look at the documentation on BartPE, one of the oldest PE tools available.