The objective of this assignment it to write a policy memo directed at a local official (you can select the community) and to provide the best available information on an environmental problem (that can be addressed with green infrastructure) and provide possible solutions and recommendations.

The following questions should help you to develop your memo and each question should be addressed to the extent possible:

  1. Why should this issue be on the government’s agenda?  Why should the local official care about this issue?  What’s the problem or the danger if something isn’t done? How many people does the issue affect, and how does it affect them?
  1. What are the key things to know about past government efforts to deal with this issue?  What has been done about this issue in the past? Has past government policy encouraged behaviors we should change?
  1. What are the key alternative choices for addressing this issue, and what are their consequences?What are the different choices government can make?  How can government deal with this? These choices can include “do nothing”.
  1. Who are the key participants in this issue and how do their standpoints differ? Are there differences in public opinion? Who has vested interests in this issue?
  1. What is your recommended course of action in the future?Based on your answers to questions 1-4, explain why your recommendation is better than the alternatives. Attempt to include environmental, economic, and political aspects of your choice.  


Your memo will be graded based on the following criteria:

  • the degree to which you address allthe questions listed in the “Content” section (see above);
  • how fair-minded your argument is;
  • the quality of the writing (spelling and grammar) and organization of the paper; and
  • the persuasiveness of your argument for the proposed improvement in the situation.