Module: Entrepreneurship in the Global Environment


Having completed this unit the student is expected to:

ILO1 Have a global entrepreneurial mind-set and entrepreneurial capabilities that can be applied in a range of contexts

ILO2 Develop critical appreciation of the theory of entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation and an ability to relate this to practice

ILO3 Have the ability to identify and evaluate the entrepreneurial opportunities, competencies, skills and behaviours associated with effective and successful individuals and companies globally

ILO4 Identify and assess the characteristics which make SMEs different to larger ventures.


Entrepreneurship and the various types of enterprise globally, Characteristics of effective entrepreneurs

Developing Business Ideas, Entrepreneurial opportunities in the globalised world

Global Value Chains, Leading entrepreneurial teams & organisations

Digital Entrepreneurship in the global innovation, Marketing, finance, and intellectual property

Mobilising Resources, Business Models Vs Business Plan, Gender & social enterprise in a global contex

Assessable Coursework:

The coursework is weighted at 100%. Assessment will typically take the form of two assignments (Assignment 1 individual – (Idea Context & Development) worth 30%, and (Assignment 2 individual (Global Business Plan) worth 70%. The Intended Learning Outcomes are assessed through Coursework (100%).

Workload model:

  • Part A: Idea Context & Development (30%)
  • Part B: Global Business Plan (70%)

Assignment Title: Reflective Essay + Infographic (PART A 30%)

  1. Rationale

The assignment has been designed to give you insights into understanding opportunities in the global environment. You are expected to actively participate in the weekly discussion forums designed to enable you develop critical appreciation of the theory of entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation and an ability to relate this to practice (ILO2), as well as be able to identify and assess the characteristics which make SMEs different to larger ventures (ILO 4).

  1. The learning outcomes being assessed

ILO2 Develop critical appreciation of the theory of entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation and an ability to relate this to practice

ILO4 Identify and assess the characteristics which make SMEs different to larger ventures.

  1. Overview of assignment

The discussion forum is designed to help you with collaborative/peer learning and feedback. Each week you need to log on to the University’s website to answer the discussion question for that particular week. You need to offer an initial response (at least 250 words) and then respond to one other student’s comments (at least 250 words) within (one) week of the initial post. Comments will be monitored by the tutor. Although the discussion forum is not assessed, it forms the basis for developing and shaping your business idea into a robust/viable global business opportunity. In so doing, your active participation enables you develop knowledge and understanding of debates in entrepreneurship theory and practice through collaborative learning and formative feedback.

Please note: You may choose at least five (5) weeks [SEE TABLE ABOVE] you decide to contribute to.

  1. Overall Structure.

The format of the Assignment 1(hand-in assignment) will have the following structure:

Idea Context & Development (total word count- 1500 (+/-10%) + an infographic worth 30% of marks),

  • Building on the summary of at least five (5) discussion forums you participated in, reflect and introduce how the discussion forums enable you developed and shape your business idea in the context of the global business opportunities. You should contextualise your idea within the emerging global market trends. From the discussion forums summary of theories & concepts, visualise using (an infographic), the thought processes that inform your entrepreneurial approach for starting a global business or expanding an existing one.


  1. Assessment Details

Subject knowledge and understanding

  • Evidence of factual and conceptual understanding of the subject, including appropriate reading/research

Intellectual skills

  • Evidence of analysis, evaluation and critical judgement
  • Ability to select, collate and categorise ideas and information, and to develop and sustain a coherent argument

Subject-specific skills

  • Ability to apply knowledge to different contexts and generate a range of responses to given situations
  • Evidence of innovation, insight or creativity
  • Ability to link theory and practice

Transferable skills/ professional impact

  • Structure, organisation and delivery of content
  • Layout and formatting
  • Use of visuals
  • Command of language
  • Academic integrity
  1. Assessment criteria and weightings

Your work for assignment 1 (part a) is going to be assessed on the basis of how it demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of development & shaping of business idea within the context of emerging global trends, and your ability to 1) clearly identify a business idea with a viable opportunity to succeed in global settings 2) critically apply theories and concepts of entrepreneurship in evaluating a range of business opportunities and global trends to start a new global business or expand and existing one globally. You must support your work with concrete evidence and references, building on the findings of your individual research.

  1. a) Summary of reflection on how the discussion forums developed & shape your

business idea (40%)

  1. b) Visualisation using infographic of the thought processes that inform your

entrepreneurial approach (40%)

  1. c) Contextualisation of ideas within emerging global trends (10%)
  2. d) Written communication (10%)

Bear in mind that the following will be considered under written communication while assessing your submission:

  • Structure and style: use of a fit for purpose structure and layout; evidence of formatting including use of suitable and relevant headings and sub -heading where necessary.
  • Clarity and conciseness: presentation of clear, direct and explicit answers; ability to go straight to the point and avoid unnecessary details; evidence of use of valid, appropriate and relevant material; focus on answering the question and provision of adequate and relevant context; ability to avoid unnecessary repetition.
  • Writing competence: evidence of general proofreading to eliminate spelling and grammatical errors (which interfere with understanding) and appropriate use of discipline/subject specific terminology. You can use first person in writing your reflection (i.e. you can use ‘I’ or ‘we’).
  • Academic credibility and integrity: appropriate use of resources and correct referencing style where applicable.

Submit your individual report as an electronic MS Word document (.docx or .doc file format) via the unit’s Turnitin submission box by the deadline. Use A4 size document, Times New Roman size 12 font, 1.5 spaced lines, and 2.54 cm margins.

The maximum word count limit for this individual project is 1,500 words. It must be correctly referenced, using the Harvard Referencing system (Author Date Method), with both in-text references and a References list after the main body of the text. The 1500 word count limit includes tables and charts placed in the body of the text but it excludes the References list, the title page, table of contents, and material included in the appendices.

Please clearly indicate the word count on your title page.

There is no formal penalty based on a mathematical formula for exceeding the -word limit; however, inability to stay below the limit will be considered as a negative characteristic during the assessment process (taken as a proof of lack of editing) and will normally result in a lower mark, to account for the unfair advantage in opportunities for additional expression the extra word count may have provided.