Leadership Challenge

This assessment is weighted at 80% of the final mark for this course.

Observing and evaluating your own leadership behaviour is an important part of developing your own leadership.

For this assignment you are required to reflect on what you have learned about your own leadership to date, using leadership theories and frameworks as a lens through which to understand that leadership and associated behaviours and experiences. In so doing you should reflect in particular on the experience gained through your participation in the Everest Challenge. You may also wish to use examples from your wider leadership experience.

Length of Submission: Your submission should be no more than 2000 words in length (+/- 10%). For each piece of assessed coursework, you are required to complete your work within the range of 10% above or below the stated target word count. You must include your actual word count on the submission. Note that for this template the prescribed headings and your reference list at the end DO NOT count towards your word count.

Criteria for Assessment: This submission will be marked against the following criteria:

  • Your ability to reflect upon your own leadership experience, especially your participation in the Everest Challenge.
  • Your ability to link your reflections to the material covered on the course (theories and frameworks of leadership).
  • Your ability to identify how your leadership impacts on others.
  • Your ability to identify your professional development needs.
  • Your use of evidence to back up key points.

Important Note Use this books:

Northouse Peter G. (2019) Leadership: Theory and Practice, 8th edition, Sage, London. This book provides an overview of the many theoretical dimensions to leadership and as such a good starting point from which to understand how leadership theory has developed and the core concepts involved in different theories. Note that earlier editions of the book are available but may not contain relevant chapters on followership, adaptive leadership or authentic leadership.

Roe, K. (2017) Leadership: Practice and Perspecties, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford. This book provides an introduction to core concepts and related topics, and provides online learning resources. It is a particularly helpful resource for those new to leadership.

Critically reflect on the Leadership Challenge course as a means to explore how you now understand leadership (and followership) and whether and why that has changed from your prior thoughts.