This assignment consists of analyzing the psychological and sociological implications of a particular chronic illness affecting an individual and developing a plan to assist individuals/families in solving psychological problems that affect health care. Topic examples include: asthma, sickle cell anemia, obesity, Alzheimer disease, depression, autism, ADHD, AIDS, diabetes, depression, etc. Your paper should include the following headings:

1. Introduction

a. Identify chronic illness

b. Historical Overview

c. Frequency of Disorder

d. Identify ethnic and/or gender differences

e. Describe symptoms of Disorder

f. Research impact on individual and family

2. Causes of chronic illness/disease

a. Identify etiology of disorder

b. Identify any genetic predispositions

3. Identify and describe treatment options

Identify and describe appropriate treatment options that a health practitioner would implement when working with the patient and family members. Your suggestions need to be specific.
4. Conclusions

5. References
The Psychosocial Health Concerns paper is a required assignment. It should be extensive and thoughtful. This comprehensive paper should be at least 4 pages long (excluding cover sheet, title page and reference page). The finished paper should be typed, double-spaced with 12-point font, and one-inch margins. It should be free from spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. The paper should also follow APA guidelines relating specifically to using in-text citations and referencing of sources.