Module 6        Purpose

For this assignment you will need to prepare a plan for delivering a teen program.

Instructions and Evaluation

Prepare a complete plan for delivering a program.

Name of the program:               Who said that?

Description:                              In this trivia contest, participating teens match the quote to                                                         the person who said it. Include a variety of quotes from                                                             those spoken by famous people, movie lines, song lyrics,                                                             and pop culture phrases.

Include the following information:

State your reasons for running the program. 5 marks

State your target audience. 2 marks

State the facilities you will need. 3 marks

Indicate how long the program will run. 3 marks

Indicate how many participants you can include in

the program. 2 marks

Outline in detail the content of the program include: 15 marks

  • activities to be included
  • specific materials, technology, etc. you intend to use and why
  • resource people you intend to use
  • treats, favors, and other giveaways to be distributed to participants

Outline the publicity methods you intend to use and why

you have selected these media. 5 marks

List all the tasks that need to be done to prepare for the program. 10 marks

Explain how you would measure the success of your program. 5 marks

Total possible marks 50 marks