Sports Nutrition Dietary Intervention Background:Sanne is a18 year old girl that lives in Netherlands. She is 70kg and her height is 172cm. She wants to become a professional runnerand intends to get a perfect diet to optimise her performance and meet the right Nutrition requirementsbased on UK guidelines. She does not like fish and does not consume red meat. When she consumes meat, which is rarely, tries to opt for lean meats like chicken or turkey. See reported attached to see 3 days of her actual diet analysed. Aims of the essay:

1.Critically discuss and evaluate relevant research in the area of sports nutrition.

2.Evidence and articulate knowledge and critical understanding of current nutritional and fluid requirements for sports performance.

3.Undertake a nutritional assessment and plan a nutritional intervention for an athleteTask: You are required to assess the energy and nutrient intake of Sannefrom The Netherlands(described on the report. Why is it not appropriate?), before providing recommendations to support the training practices. To help with the dietary intervention, you should include a target for exercise performance and body composition andcreate and relate thenutritional recommendations to these specific goals(becoming a professional runner). Nutritional guidance should be based upon pertinentliterature appropriate for Sanne’s goals and exercise schedule. Dietary suggestions need to consider the client’s current intake, including their particular preferences and/or dietary requirements, as well as any cultural factors. You must refer to appropriate scientific literature to guide your intervention.