1MGMT8054 Individual assignment: Report–(Individual assignment-40%)CONSULTANCY REPORT-What strategies should Australian Business adopt in current times.Please select one fromthese current trends:a)Covid 19b)Black Lives matterc)Brexitd)USA China Trade ware)The rise of the Internet Revolutionetc)This assessment requires students to provide a briefing report as a consultant on a key global issue in international business management. The length ofthis report is 4000 words.You are aManagement Consultant tasked with an assignment to research and report on a prominentissue that will impact ontheworld and Australian Business in any industryoperating overseas.Youcan select anyexistingAustralian business small or largeoperating overseas in any countryand select acurrentissue impacting their business oryour own choice and research and write a report on that topic.Please note you canalsoselect ahypothetical Australian business operating in a country of your choice.YOUR TASK:You are aconsultanttasked with a submission, developing a comprehensive analysis of the impact of anycurrentglobal eventin general andto “AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS” in particular to assist them with theirfutureinternationalisation strategy.Whilst doing this your focus will be on the “CULTURE” and the “CONTEXT” you select and you will analyse the situation based on thecross cultural dimensions, conceptsand cultural theories that you study in class.Your report should encompass all risks: Political, Cultural, Social, Legal,Economic and provideadvice on theimpact of the current happenings to Australianbusinesses operating globally.In particular you are required to critique, analyseand assess the following four issues with CULTURE as a basis:i. Global impact of a current happening(For example: Covid 19, Black lives matter, Brexit, USA China trade War)on businesses ingeneral in theWorldand in specific on Australian businesses operating overseasand what strategies they should adopt.ii. Country(where the Australian business is operating)specific economic, political,legal, cultural, social,cultural characteristics and historyand its impact on Australian business.iii. Possibleimplications, strategiesand contingency planning for Australian business.The assignment is research basedand requires the student to gain knowledgeabout using varied research sources.The assignment will develop critical thinking and analyticalskillsand enable students to synthesize information and develop informed views. Thisassignment requires students to explore and applyan advancedbodyofknowledge in a range of current contexts inDiversity Management,Cross Cultural Management/Business or Cross-CulturalLeadership/International Business/ Management discipline.The research reportwill begin with identifying a currenttopicin the above-mentioned disciplines. Discuss with your unit coordinator for guidance if necessary.Start the project with conducting a brief research on the topictoadvance thetheoretical knowledge and develop your cognitive skills in the discipline.Students will identify one or two theories from the vast knowledge in the area and investigate their researchinformed by these theories.Collectquantitative or qualitative data, secondary data or case studies to support your

2research.The report will end with a conclusion sectionto analyse the data and draw outcomes, implications, strategies and conclusionsfor the business incontext.Please note that the time available to you islimited,so pleasekeep the scope of the research limited and commence theresearch and writing work as soon as possible as the individual report is an important part of your unit. Sample assignments from past semesters can be seen on ilearn