Assignment is a written statement of 5000-7500 words for my counselling accreditation with the National Counselling Society describing :
· My client work,
· My use of counselling supervision – My previous supervisor My current supervisor.
· My ethical awareness relevant to counselling practice
· My awareness of issues of difference and diversity relevant to counselling practice.
Please see guidelines below and theory that underpins my practice:
Trauma-informed approaches to eating disorders – Andrew Seubert-Pam Virdi
The body remembers integrating body and mind Babette Rothschild
Complex PTSD Arielle Schwartz
Attachment, trauma & psychotherapy: Neural integration as a pathway to resilience and well-being – Dan Siegel
Peter Levine
ACE studies Addiction, Trauma & Adverse Childhood Experiences. The Neuroscience behind Developmental/Attachment Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences.
Ego state/Parts work
Motivational interviewing for addiction and eating disorders
Relational therapy/ Integrative therapy
Polyvagal Theory in Therapy Deb Dana
Polyvagal Theory – Stephen Porges
Guidelines for the Reflective Practice Written Submission
The written statement has a recommended total word count covering the following:
Knowledge and understanding
· Describe how you work with clients with reference to the theory / theories that underpin your practice
· Describe how your understanding of theory has been influenced by your experience of client work
Maximum recommended word count = 1400 words in total
Practice & Supervision
· Provide case material and demonstrate:
· How your practice is consistent with your knowledge and understanding of theory
· How your practice demonstrates your awareness of issues of difference and diversity
· How you make use of the National Counselling Society Code of Ethical Practice.
· Describe the awareness you have gained through reflection in and on supervision
· Show how you apply that awareness in your practice
Maximum recommended word count = 3,000 words in total
· Describe an experience or an activity which has contributed to your own self-awareness. 1999 age 24 spent 8 months in a residential addiction rehab taking part in group therapy and 1-1 counselling or
· Provide a reason(s) for choosing the experience or activity
· Show how you use this self-awareness in your practice
Maximum recommended word count = 900 words in total
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
· Describe one CPD activity that you have undertaken in the 12 months before applying for MNCS(Prof Accred)
· Explain why you chose this activity and how it has influenced your practice
Post Qualifying Diploma in Eating Disorders: Brain, Body and Mind (Advanced Specialist Training Status with NCS)
Maximum recommended word count = 900 words in total