Write a 5-page paper about someone who you think is talented. It could be anyone for whom you can find sources for in the Library database (so that does exclude some people!). You will find and use two sources for this paper — one on talent in general (or research on talent) and one source on your talented individual. It is required for this assignment that you find the sources in the Library databases.

You will also be using Talent is Overrated for this paper, so you will have three sources total.
You will create a Works Cited with those three sources in it, and any other sources you use.
Your paper will consist of 5 pages total, minimum. It will be in MLA format and will have an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Your introductory paragraph will introduce the name of your talented individual, and the titles and authors of the two sources you found on this individual. It will end with a Thesis Statement that reflects what you believe the talent is in your chosen person, and whether you think it was inborn or developed.
Next, in several body paragraphs (your choice how many, but your paragraphs should all be at least one-half page in length) you will argue for an inborn talent for your chosen person or a developed facility or skill. You will use Talent is Overrated and one other source (found in the Library databases) to explain why you believe the talent of your chosen person is either inborn or was developed over time. If you truly think that is was both (that is, the person was born with a certain true talent and then it was developed over time) you may argue that.
Each body paragraph will contain at least one quotation from one of your sources. You will spend the majority of your paper developing your support for your Thesis based on these pieces of evidence.
You will strive for TEEAS structure in each of your body paragraphs (we will learn about this structure in the next few weeks!)
Spend time learning about your chosen individual in the source you find in the library database. Find your sources early so that you can have the time to read about him/her/them over a period of weeks. Identify at least one “talent” (or skill) that this person has, and then try to find out how this person identified and demonstrated this skill in an impressive way. You do not have to write everything about this person’s life or accomplishments — focus on one talent or skill and explain it. If you find sources outside the Library that help you with this, you may use them, but at least two sources must be from the Library — one on talent in general, and one on your chosen individual.

Your paper will end with a concluding paragraph which restates the Thesis (in different words) and sums up the paper.

5 pages minimum, double spaced, one-inch margins.
MLA format
Strive to make your case — show why you think that this individual either was born with the talent or developed it in every body paragraph.