Assignment Goals: In this assignment you will

:Research the scientific and popular literature to identify chemical and physical properties of the element you have been assigned.

Write an essay in which you describe in a clear and organized way the important properties, reactions, and most common uses of your assigned element.

Utilize the assignment feature in blackboard to submit your essay.

Peer review two essays. Source Material:This assignment is a research project. You will conduct your own research using computer resources as well as print resources. You are strongly encouraged to consult with one of the reference librarians to assist you in locating appropriate library resources. Examples of printed compendia: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and PhysicsThe Merck IndexWebsites that might be particularly useful:NIST Chemistry WebBook: URL - Online Periodic Table: URL -http://www.webelements.comMount Aloysius Library: URL - Instructions:The paper that you will be writing is an Analytical Paper. The staff at SUNY Empire State College Writer’s Complex explain the analytical paper as: “To analyze means to break a topic or concept down into its parts in order to inspect and understand it, and to restructure those parts in a way that makes sense to you. In an analytical research paper, you do research to become an expert on a topic so that you canrestructure and present the parts of the topic from your own perspective.”Mechanics:Your essay must not exceed 1000 words. You will lose points if the essay is greater than 1000 words or less than 900 words. The essay should have an introduction, a logical development, and a conclusion. . A complete list of the references that you used should be given at the end. The references are not part of your 1000 word limit. You are expected to write in a scientific style. The essay should be written for an audience that are not scientists, but you should assume that the reader is intelligent but lacking topic-specific knowledge.All factual data and professional opinions must be referenced in the body of the text. Citations should be limited to a number, (do not use author and year). This number should be related back to the complete list of references. One number should be given to each reference. See The purpose of the list of citations is so that the reader can find reference sources unambiguously. For internet sources, give the complete URL, the name of the page, and name of the author or compiler and the date last updated.During the course of your research you will rely on, but not be limited to, Source Material from the library, textbook, and relevant web sites. Because each student has a different element the resource materials that a student chooses to utilize will vary. Therefore,keep in mind that each element has unique answers to theGuiding Questions because each element has unique characteristics.Guiding Questions:In two or more paragraphs, not a list, related the following information. Group the information into sensible paragraphs each with a topic sentence that previews the type of information to be discussed.

1.Give the name and symbol of the element with atomic number and mass number. Tell the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

2.Tell the date the element was discovered, where, and by whom (if known). If the element was discovered in antiquity, tell which nation or tribe was the first known to use the element.

3.Tell how or why the element got its name.

4.Give the following data about the element:

melting point and boiling point


most common ionic charge

phase at room temperature

5.Describe the appearance of the element. Include information on


what it feels like

degree of hardness or softness (you may use the Mohs scale, but also describe qualitatively
6.Tell about the sources of the element. Include

where in the world it can be found,

in what form it is found (liquid, solid, gas, solution

)if it is found pure or in a compound

name the types of compounds it is found in

describe at least on method for purifying the element, include balanced equation showing how to purify the element if appropriate

7.Describe and write balanced chemical equations for at least one common reaction in which the element is involved.

8.Tell how the element is used today and how it was used in the past. You should try to find at least three uses total.

9.Give the economic importance of the element. For this item, think about ways the element is used. How would your life be different if this element was not available? Give specific reasons and exact details.Format:Your essay should have the following form:

1.Informative title

2.Introductory paragraph –states explicitly the “goal” of the essay. This paragraph might explain the background of the problem or posed question(s).

3.The body –here is where you address the guiding questions.

4.Concluding paragraph –reiterate what you set out to do and wrap things up.

5.References citedYou will submit your essay within Canvas. You will also be assigned two essays to peer review through Canvas. You should consult the rubric and make comments in the rubric and in the general comments box rather than making comments directlyin the paper.