Instructions: Write four single space pages. Please write a minimum of four sentences per paragraphs. Please indent each new paragraph.

Use APA style format

Font: Times New Roman with 12 point. Margin 0’’ left and 0” right (Layout)

Use five (5) peer reviewed journals.

Journal should be five (5) years or less. If you used a book source, I am satisfied with 20 years old. For book sources only.

Use google scholar or google search to find scholarly articles and ideas.

Use APA style, intext citations, and reference page.

Note: Please do not use worked cited or any other form.

Note:  On your project, please list the name of the college, the topic, the course name and number, the professor’s name and the names of all group members who participated in the project.

Note: Please see Sample attached below


Topics:  Market Research


In your introduction, define and describe market research, identify the key components of MR, what is significant about the MR; what led to the development of MR; why is MR necessary for business operations, what are the potential operations management challenges or issues of MR. How did the concept originate and by who?

Purpose of market research in operations management:

What is the intent of market research (to bring awareness, to share information, to aid in decision making to create new innovations to correct a systemic operations management issue and so forth)?

The Importance (why is it important) Here you can list ten or more reasons why market research is important. Find your information from peer review journal of five years are less.

Let’s say you choose INNOVATION on your list. You may start as follows: Market research is one of the means that innovators use to test their ideas. Innovators will conduct a research of potential customers response by using surveys or questionnaires to gather information about a product that they intend to develop (Palmer, 2018).

The effectiveness of market research (Business Use)

According to Palmer (2017), market research provides strategic guidance to management executives in their long-term business projections. Market research helps executives to know what the market needs are and how to effectively fulfill those needs.

Technological Impact (How MR impacted by Tech) (list some impacts, search the internet for ideas of technological impacts).

You may start as follows: The proliferation of modern technology has become pervasive in modern business operations. Palmer (2018), stated many businesses are struggling to keep up with the fast pace of technological change. One of the ways many businesses are coping the rapid technological change is using market research to determine if these changes are necessary of productivity.

Managing quality (Goods and Services)

Begin by defining quality management:

  1. a) What it is…: Managing the Inspection process: Quality Control. What is the inspection process? Definition: The inspection process is a formal examination approach used to identify and correct errors in products (deliverables) before they are certified as marketable. How does the process work? THERE IS A ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE, for example…10 workers to one manager; two workers are assigned to a region or area where they conduct inspection. Random: some inspections are conducted randomly while others are by appointments.  The manager reviews the report on a weekly or monthly basis……Who are the people that are engaged in the process? The people who are engaged in the process are employers or organizations. Who manages the process, why is this process necessary? The process is managed by the Federal, State, City or not for profit body.  This process is necessary to protect the welfare of the public.
  2. b) Cost associated with the undertaking, the various tasks, regulation, and enforcements.
  3. c) Strategy used to catch and punish violators. One strategy may be undercover agents…Why do we have violators, what are the incentive that drives them. (What motivate them)
  4. d) Type of monitoring (random visits, sampling)
  5. e) What is the impact on the society and the environment if we fail to develop and manage a robust inspection system? People could be harmed…
  6. f) What do we inspect and how? (Food, drugs, equipment, furniture, motor vehicles, aircrafts, ships, boats, etc.
  7. g) Use literature in your writing, cite and reference sources.
  8. h) Write a literature review on your topic: Three pages for each member, single space.
  9. i) PLEASE NOTE: How does this topic relevant to FDA, what is the mission of FDA, what are their strategies. How efficient is the organization? Is it adequately funded?
  10. j) What is the organization’s employment policies?
  11. k) Types of technological innovation used
  12. l) Method of evaluation
  13. m) What is a lean operation? How is the company that you are researching apply the lean operation approach? Give examples

Global MR (How businesses conduct MR Global)

Here you will write about businesses conduct market research in the global market place. You may start as follows: According to Palmer (2017), global market research is made easier through the availability of big data. Organizations can purchase any information they need to conduct their market research without much difficulties (Palmer, 2017).

Summary/ Conclusion

Write your summary of the salient points…


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Macko, A., & Tyszka, T. (2009). Entrepreneurship and risk taking. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 58, 469-487. doi:10.1111/j.1464-0597.2009.00402.x

Markova, S., & Petkovska-Mircevska, T. (2010). Entrepreneurial finance: Angel investing as a source of funding high-growth start-up firms. Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics, 10, 217-224. Retrieved from

Mars, M. M., & Garrison, S. (2009). Socially-oriented ventures and traditional entrepreneurship education models: A case review. Journal of Education for Business, 4(5), 290-296. doi:10.3200/JOEB.84.5.290-296

Maslow, A. H. (1956). Toward a psychology of health. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand.